More information about advertising in The PILOT

If you have specific questions about The PILOT and how your messaging can reach the entire Redwood Shores community, please send an email to  with the subject “Advertising”.  Click here to review past editions of The PILOT.

Ad Rates effective as of June 1, 2023:
[The Cover/FRONT PAGE of The PILOT is reserved for news & community calendar of events.]
See our Artwork Specifications for complete information on file types accepted.

AD SPACE size on page 4-COLOR NOTES:
Full page options:
FULL PAGE 3 — reserved
8.5”W x 11.0”H $985 FULL BLEED
8.5”W x 11.0”H $860 FULL BLEED
8.5”W x 11.0”H $850
(has priority)
8.5”W x 11.0”H $775L / $860R*
(has priority)
8.5”W x 11.0”H $740L / $805R* FULL BLEED
8.0”W x 10.25”H $720L / $775R* NO Bleed – 0.25” margin T/L/R
Back Cover:
BACK Cover
lower 2/3 Page — reserved
8.5W x 7.0”H $740
(has priority)
BACK Cover
lower ½ Page — unavailable
8.0W x 5.0 $595
(as available)
0.25” margin
Or Full Bleed
Other Page Options
INSIDE Cover Back/Front
½ Page 
(Top or Bottom)
8.0W x 5.25 $475T*/ $450B (as available) 0.25” margin
Centerfold Left ½ Page
(Top or Bottom of page)
8.0”W x 5.1”H $425B / $450T*
(as available)
NO Bleed – 0.25” margin L/R
1/2 Page
(Top or Bottom of page)
8.0”W x 5.1”H $375B / $435T* NO Bleed – 0.25” margin L/R
1/4 Page 3.9”W x 5.1”H $290 NO Bleed – 0.25” margin only
1/8 Page – Business Card 3.9”W x 2.45”H $120 NO Bleed – 0.25” margin only
Classified Ads **
(see more information below)
(30 word MAX) $65 1” height MAX x 3.9”

Invoicing and Payment Policies

  • Payment for ads 1/2 Page or less will be by credit card only, and credit card information must be provided before the ad will be blocked into an issue. The card will usually be charged on the second “in home” date of each issue.
  • Once space has been reserved, the advertiser will be invoiced for that space even if they fail to provide artwork by the published deadline. It takes additional time near deadline to try to fill these “reserved” spaces.
  • The INSIDE FRONT COVER (Page 2 & Page 3), the INSIDE Back Cover, and the Centerfold pages are available as PREMIUM pages, COLOR only, for ad space.
  • The BACK COVER is a 2/3 PREMIUM page, COLOR only.
    Half-page ads for the Back Cover will be accepted on a space available basis only.)
  • The PILOT offers FULL BLEED printing as an option for all Full Page Color ads.
    (Full bleed printing is NOT available for 1/2 and 1/4 page ad sizes.)
  • The PILOT has 0.25” print margin (white space at the edges of the page) on the left/right & top margins of ad pages.


  1. Classified ads will be accepted ONLY if paid in advance or with a credit card on file to be charged when The PILOT is delivered to homes.
  2. Classified ads will be limited to 30 words MAX and…
  3. Classified ad will be limited to no more than 1” in height in print.
  4. There will be an additional charge of $2.00 per word for any over 30 words.
  5. Classified ads may contain artwork only as long as it fits within the 1” height limit in print. Text will be reduced in size as needed to keep within the 1.0” x 3.85” limits.

The PILOT is currently posted on our web site at as a page-turnable PDF of the current and past issues.  Your ad is currently included at no additional cost.

COST COMPARISONS:  The PILOT vs. direct mail
If you want to mail just one half-letter or letter size page to all Shores residential addresses:

Cost of color printing               $   785 minimum for 6,000 pieces
Postage, bulk rate                   $1,650 minimum for 6,000 pieces + handling charges
Your MINIMUM Cost            $2,435 to get your ad into every Shores home
Your PILOT cost                   $   960 for our Highest PREMIUM Page Rate

COST COMPARISONS:  The PILOT vs. other local newspapers or magazines
Well, we can’t do this, because no other media goes to EVERY Shores home each month!

If you have any questions about The PILOT and how your messaging can reach our community, please contact us at .