Sandpiper News

The Sandpiper Grants & Awards team was recently awarded a grant by the Art in Action organization. The funds received from this grant will be used to purchase specific supplies for the art program taught to every student by our trained parent volunteers. A special thank you to team leaders Jinmin Rudolph and Jeff Wong, and Grade 5 teacher Mrs. Taylor, for their leadership.

With the assistance of Ralston Cadette Troop 20724, the Sandpiper Green Team continues to encourage eco-friendly habits with student education and campus recycling events. In November the Green Team also kicked off the Cool the Earth Program which helps students and their families adopt eco-friendly habits at home. Look for future community recycling events on the RSCA events billboard or online at

The Sandpiper community wishes everyone a safe and joyous holiday season. Please remember school will be closed December 21-January 1 for the winter break. Classes will resume on Monday, January 4.

Naming Of The New School

B e l m o n t   R e d w o o d   S h o r e s   S c h o o l   D i s t r i c t
E d u c a t i o n a l   S e r v i c e s

Dear Redwood Shores Parents, Students and Community Members,

The new school on Shearwater Parkway is quickly becoming a reality as the first buildings appear on site. Construction has started with the administration offices, classrooms, library, learning center and multi-use room. It’s time to choose a name for the school.

The children and families of our community will have an opportunity to make suggestions for its name. A special box placed on the counter at Sandpiper Community Center, Sandpiper and Nesbit Schools will receive suggestions. Please fill out the form below with your suggested name and reasons for your choice. After a three week period, those suggested names will be collected and reviewed by a Naming Committee, composed of citizens of this community and district staff. After a review, the committee will select the best name(s) and present this to the board for consideration.

Cherie Ho, Principal

New School Name

My suggestion for a name for the new school is:_____________________________________________

I chose this name because ________________________________________________________________

Name _____________________________________

School ____________________________________

Address ___________________________________

Phone ____________________________________

(Form due by November 20, 2009)

Sandpiper News

Attention all shoppers! With the holidays fast approaching, here are three safe, easy and free ways that you can support education programs at Sandpiper:

1. Swipe your Nob Hill Quality of Life Card the next time you buy groceries. With every purchase, Nob Hill will donate a percentage of your total to Sandpiper! To obtain a card, email

2. Register your credit, debit, Safeway or Macy’s card with Scrip and participating merchants will automatically make a donation every time you shop. Safely register your card at for Sandpiper Group ID 121842280.

3. The next time you reach for a product on your shelf, look to see if it has a Box Tops for Education label on the top. Sandpiper receives $0.10 for every label collected – money that really adds up over the course of a year! Start your collection today; labels can be turned in to the school office at any time during the year. Parents, please mark the following minimum days/holiday on your calendar for the coming month:

* Early Release Days: November 17-24
* November 26-27: Thanksgiving Holiday

The Sandpiper Green Team will happily take your plastic bottles and aluminum cans for recycling. The next community collection is scheduled for Saturday, November 28 from 8 AM-10 AM or 4 PM-6 PM in front of Sandpiper. If you have a child attending Sandpiper, there are also collection boxes for empty Capri Sun containers in the classrooms.