Thank You From RSCA for Levee Clean-Up Day 2010

For helping to keep Redwood Shores a beautiful and welcoming place to enjoy, the Redwood Shores Community Association thanks all of those who attended the 2010 Levee Clean-Up Day. There was a tremendous turnout for this worthwhile event, and together everybody worked hard to make a difference.

On Saturday, August 28, more than 100 residents of Redwood Shores (and a few from mainland Redwood City) turned out to clean up more than 10 cubic yards of trash from the public areas of Redwood Shores. The event was sponsored by the Redwood Shores Community Association.

Beginning at 8:30 A. M. with a bagel breakfast prepared by the San Mateo Credit Union, partially sponsored by Starbucks and featuring sweet rolls and bagels, the crews of volunteers spread out throughout the shores. Tools were provided by the City of Redwood City. By morning end, dozens of bags of trash had been collected. Trash was picked up by Recology. The San Mateo Credit Union sponsored a hot dog/hamburger lunch with all the trimmings. Our barbeque chef was Under Sheriff Carlos Bolanos. A good time was had by all.

Redwood Shores Levee Cleanup 2010

Be sure to bring your own gloves! 

This is a great opportunity to get outside, enjoy some of Redwood Shores’ beautiful summer weather, and help to clean up and beautify Redwood Shores’ levees for the benefit of all of Redwood City. Each year, dozens of excited volunteers remove tons of debris including tires, wood, rubbish, and the typical flotsam and jetsam that accumulates. Every piece of refuse removed is important, no matter how small! 

The levee cleanup day is a fun and meaningful volunteer community event that helps the environment, and helps to beautify Redwood Shores. And for non-Redwood Shores volunteers, it’s a great opportunity to learn about the beauty of the Redwood Shores levees, enjoy the sight of a variety of wildlife, and experience incredible views of the bay. 

After the cleanup, a free barbecue for the volunteers will be served at Mariner Park, as a small ‘thank you’ for helping to beautify and enhance this important Redwood City resource. 

Contact Pete Hughes with any questions, at 650-594-0783 


Saturday August 28, 8:30 am to Noon

Meet at Mariner Park 8:30 am (Bridge & Redwood Shores Parkway) 
  • 8:30 – coffee, juice, bagels & work
  • Noon – BBQ lunch for all hands


President’s Message: July 2010

Architectural Design Board (ADB)

You most likely know RSCA for the family events we sponsor, such as our Halloween Walk, Eggstravaganza, and summer concerts in Marlin Park. Or, you might be aware of our advocacy for the Shores on issues like levee improvements, or the community meetings and forums we sponsor. We also serve a purpose that is not visible to most of you — we are the umbrella organization for the Redwood Shores Architectural Design Review Board (ADB), which is responsible for overseeing compliance with Codes Covenants and Restrictions (CC&Rs) in a number of Redwood Shores neighborhoods west of Shell Parkway, including the Marlin and Dolphin Park neighborhoods.

If you live in one of these neighborhoods (please ask an ADB member if you’re not sure — see the Pilot for members’ contact information), these CC&Rs run with your property and are binding on you and all future property owners. The CC&Rs are spelled out in a publication that you can purchase from the ADB. If you need a copy, please contact Carol Ford at her email listed inside the Pilot. Among other things, the CC&Rs specify setbacks for structures, the permitted height and position of fences, and landscaping and ground maintenance guidelines. The CC&R’s also require that no building or alterations of dwellings (e.g., one or two-story additions or exterior remodeling) be commenced without ADB approval. ADB procedures, an application for review, and fee information are available at RSCA’s web site (RSCA.ORG). CC&R’s may seem like a bother, but the appealing nature and high property values of Redwood Shores are due in large part to their existence. If your property is subject to the Redwood Shores CC&Rs, please do your part to keep your property values and those of your neighbors high by complying with them. Stay tuned for more information on CC&Rs and the ADB later in the summer, and be sure to submit for ADB review any plans for improvements to your property.

Summer Events

Now that our long, cool, wet spring has given way to real summer weather, you can look forward to attending one of the many outdoor events that will be held in the Shores over the next few months. If music out of doors is your cup of tea, RSCA is co-sponsoring with Redwood City three summer concerts held at Marlin Park. Plan on bringing a picnic to the two remaining concerts on July 22 and August 12, both at 6:00 pm. Other August events include an Open House on August 15 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at our new school (Redwood Shores Elementary) and RSCA’s annual Levee Cleanup, which kicks-off with bagels and coffee at Mariner Park on August 28 at 8:30 am. Moving indoors, our Library is a great place for kids in the summer — and while you’re there you can take in the view from the deck and enjoy a snack or drink from the onsite cafe.

RSCA wishes you and your family a happy, safe and healthy summer.

— Doug Crisman , RSCA President