The Redwood Shores Community Celebrates 40 Years

Our 40th anniversary celebration has now come and gone and despite the rain we had a great turn out. If you weren’t able to attend there’s still ways you can check out what RSCA has done the last 40 years and how this area has developed.

We hope to have the historical boards displayed soon at the library for your enjoyment and you can try out the Historical Walk at any time. You can download the walk on or pick up a copy at the library and Sandpiper. We will post on the web site the various weeks the sign boards will be out on the walk but again the walk is easy to follow by the using the brochures or the download.

I wanted to personally thank my committee — Carol Mertens, Lynn Adams. Clemencia Rodriquez, Doug Crisman, Nina Boire and Pat Dixon. Also two people who worked incredibly hard on the event Harris Rogers who scanned every piece of material used and Marc Nix who put ALL the historical signs together and the Historical walk.

I also wanted to thank our exhibitors — Boy Scout Troop 27, Girl Scout Cadette Troop 724, Julie Wynn & Ray Tekamaki from Electronic Arts, Shellie Sakamoto & friends from The Lions Club, Mary Ellen and Jessica Hills and Carol Scola from Nine Lives Foundation, Provident Credit Union, Erica Spacher the Neighborhood Liason Coordinator from The City of Redwood City, Recology and Mike Mancusi, Shannon & Joe Guzzetta, Joanne Bruggemann, Yi Chinn, Kent Soo Hoo and Beth Godfrey from the Redwood Shores Emergency Response Team.

It seems as if RSCA has been a tremendous watch dog over the years for the Shores and will continue to strive to keep Redwood Shores a great place to live. Keep in touch using our website, The Pilot and our sign boards

CONGRATULATIONS for 40 years of service to Redwood Shores.

— Sue Nix
— 40th Anniversary Celebration Chairperson

To help you learn more about Redwood Shores’ past and present, the Redwood Shores Community Association has created a Redwood Shores Historic Walk that takes you to various scenic and historic spots in the neighborhood. This two-mile walk is accessible at all of its points by foot, bicycle or car, and there will be signs out over the weekend to guide you through the tour.

Those with GPS-enabled smartphones (or those at home who are interested in what there is to see along the route) can also jump over to an interactive tour guide provided courtesy Google Maps. You can click for a Street View of each spot, and check out story text and photographs that explain the relevance of each spot.
Full-size guide signs will be posted on the 17th, so please take the tour and help celebrate our history!
View Redwood Shores Historic Walk in a larger map

President’s Message: November 2010

Please Join RSCA and We’re Looking for New Directors.

RSCA celebrated its 40th year in 2010! In our 40 years we have seen Redwood Shores grow from a small collection of houses and no businesses to the thriving, beautiful community — now with two outstanding schools and great employers — that we call home. Through these 40 years RSCA has worked to enhance the quality of life in Redwood Shores. To support our efforts and your community, please renew your membership, or join for the first time!

Our activities are made possible by your support, and the larger our membership is, the more effective we can be as advocates for Redwood Shores. For example, we were the lead voice in informing the public about, and urging Redwood City to resolve, our levee emergency. The City responded by completing the levee work by early 2010 — well in advance of FEMA’s September 2010 deadline. In 2010 we also initiated a series of meetings with the Redwood City Police to draw their attention to some important public safety issues here in the Shores. And, not only do we represent Shores interests, we also keep you up to date in THE PILOT and on our web site, at

In addition, we contribute financially to important local needs and causes. For example, in 2010 we pledged $20,000 to allow our new Redwood Shores Elementary School to purchase nearly 2,000 books for its library, and our community is enjoying the outstanding collections at our new Library, for which RSCA donated more than $65,000 in 2008-2009. We also sponsor fun family events, like our Eggstravaganza in the Spring and the Halloween Parade each October. This summer, as in the past, we co-sponsored a series of concerts in Marlin Park. We also “Clean up the Shores” each August with our annual levee cleanup, and we hold candidate forums for important local elections so you can meet and question the candidates.

We do all of this as community volunteers and we receive no support from homeowners association or RSOA dues. You can play your part in supporting RSCA’s activities by renewing your membership, or joining for the first time, for only $35.00, which is a great value. To join, please complete the information form included in this month’s Pilot, or respond to the membership letter you’ll soon be receiving from us.

RSCA Directors Needed

Do you want to help make our community a better place and have a good time doing it? If so, please consider becoming a Director of RSCA. Our board has up to 25 Directors who help with events, advocate with local governments, and make connections with business and community leaders. If you’re a resident of Redwood Shores, energetic, community-minded and eager to help usenhance the high quality of life in the Shores, please send an email to expressing your interest in becoming a Director, and we’ll be in touch.
— Doug Crisman , RSCA President

Children’s Halloween Parade 2010

Thanks everybody for coming out to the 2010 Halloween Walk. We’ll see you again next year!

Bring your kids in their Halloween costumes to Marlin Park on Saturday, October 30, 2010 at 1:00 PM sharp for a spooky good time in the park.

We will have treats for the kids, so please bring a goodie bag or bucket. And PARENTS, don’t forget the camera for photo opportunities with the Good Witch!

RSCA holds this event each year for our children elementary school age and under.

Redwood Shores’ 40th Anniversary Celebration

Redwood Shores and RSCA is celebrating its 40th Anniversary! You and your family are invited to join the party on Sunday, Oct.17, 2010 2:00-5:00pm, at the new Redwood Shores Elementary School.
Come review the history of Redwood Shores dating back more than 45 years. Read about the first residents and some of the early issues facing the Shores.
We’ll have activities and entertainment for kids of all ages, and many of our local businesses will be there to show their history and how they became part of the Shores.
Since 1970 RSCA has been THE advocate on issues that impact the quality of life in Redwood Shores. From early controversies over where Shores children would go to school, to the recent levee crisis with its potential effect on local property values, RSCA has been the primary voice of the Shores community.
As we begin our fifth decade, RSCA continues its efforts to keep the Shores a great place to live and work.
Please join us on Sunday, October 17th as we celebrate 40 years serving Redwood Shores.


To help you learn more about Redwood Shores’ past and present, the Redwood Shores Community Association has created a Walking Guide that takes you to various scenic and historic spots in the neighborhood. This two-mile walk is accessible at all of its points by foot, bicycle or car, and there will be signs out over the weekend to guide you through the tour.

Those with GPS-enabled smartphones (or those at home who are interested in what there is to see along the route) can also jump over to an interactive tour guide provided courtesy Google Maps. You can click for a Street View of each spot, and check out story text and photographs that explain the relevance of each spot.

Full-size guide signs will be posted on the 17th, so please take the tour and help celebrate our history!

View Redwood Shores Historic Walk in a larger map

Redwood Shores’ 40th Anniversary

The Redwood Shores Community Association will be turning 40 this year. We are in the process of putting a celebration together that everybody in the Shores community is invited to.

The committee is in the process of putting together the history of how this great community came to be. We will have on display information about the Shores from its start in the early ’60s. There will be photos showing how the area was developed showing some of the fond memories of the past like when Marine World was a part of our community and a great neighbor.

Those of us that can remember sitting in our back yards listening to the dolphins and whales to who remembers when there was only one road in and out of the Shores. Or better yet there was a time when we did not have a grocery store — anyone remember Byrnes Market?

The Shores is built out and now the RSCA works to keep it a great community. We’re proud how our community has developed, and we want to celebrate 40 years of progress and accomplishments.

Please mark your calendar for the event, to be held Sunday October 17, 2-5PM at the new Redwood Shores School. More details will be coming in the Pilot and our website ( ). Please plan on attending bring your family.

If you have any memorabilia you might want to share please contact us at . We are also looking for groups who might want to participate with the activities during the celebration — contact us for more information.

— Sue Nix, Celebration Chairperson

Build the Redwood Shores Elementary School Library

 For a limited time, every book purchased for the new Redwood Shores Elementary School Library by an individual will be matched by a second book purchase by the Redwood Shores Community Association (RSCA) up to $10,000! 

The library is working now to assemble a collection based on district requirements. Under the RSCA matching campaign, a donation of $20 means the library will gain TWO books, and a $100 contribution will mean TEN new books! Your donation will be noted in each book with a decorative label as a founding library contributor. 

Complete the form below to donate today! 

Questions? Carol Castro at (650) 654-9611 or  



Redwood Shores Elementary School 



Full Address:___________________________________________________________________________

_______ $20 one book TWO BOOKS! 

_______ $100 five books TEN BOOKS! 

______ Other (specify $ amt) 

Donate by September 30th to take advantage of this generous RSCA grant from our community.

  Checks payable to:     Mail form (with check) to: 
  Belmont-Redwood Shores School District    Principal Cherie Ho c/o BRSSD
  2960 Hallmark Drive 
  Belmont, CA 94002 

If you would like a student’s name to appear on the book plate label on a book please indicate below. If left blank, name above will appear on book plate. 

Student’s Name to appear on book plate(s):_____________________________________ 

Student Grade Level__________________

Gender (circle): M / F

Thank you!

President’s Message: August 2010

Summer Thoughts

Just last night, around 100 neighbors and I enjoyed a great concert in Marlin Park by the Internationals, a four man band from the South Bay that specializes in German beer garden music (the Lederhosen were a give away). They played plenty of polkas, but they also mixed in some spectacular cowboy yodeling, an Italian favorite, and a good bit of comedy.

The concert was sponsored by RSCA along with Redwood City, and is just one example of the good things that happen in the Shores in the summer. At the same time, a good-sized group was sweating through what looked like a basic-training workout on the basketball court, and a girls’ soccer match was underway on the field. I also was able to check out the new bench that was recently installed near the lagoon (pretty much straight out from where Cringle meets Neptune) as a memorial to LaVerne Atherley, former president of RSCA and long time supporter of Redwood Shores. RSCA wants to thank the City for their help with this, as they approved the location we hoped for, poured the cement base, and installed the bench. We’ll have a memorial plaque installed on the bench soon.

So, some beautiful evening before the end of the summer, take a walk down to Marlin Park and enjoy the view from LaVerne’s bench. It might hit you, just like it hit me last night, how special is summer in the Shores.

A Bit More on the Architectural Design Board (ADB)

I mentioned last month that the Redwood Shores Architectural Design Review Board (ADB) is responsible for overseeing the Codes Covenants and Restrictions (CC&Rs) in a number of Redwood Shores neighborhoods west of Shell Parkway, including the Marlin and Dolphin Park neighborhoods.

This month, I’d like to mention a few specific items that fall under the CC&Rs that might surprise you:

  • Fences: The CC&Rs specify where fences can be installed and how high they can be. Fences that are too tall or are too close to the front property line create visual barriers and are unattractive. For this reason, all fence installations need to be approved by the ADB.
  • Landscaping: The CC&Rs require that all front yards be landscaped and that all landscaping be in good condition, with no dead plants, or weeds. Nothing hurts neighborhood property values like poorly maintained front yards. If you’re property is run down, please take care of it; if you’re planning some landscaping, please submit your plans for ADB approval.
  • Exterior Color Schemes: The CC&R’s require that all changes in exterior color schemes be approved by the ADB. While neighborhoods covered by the ADB don’t have strict color palettes, ADB review is intended to ensure that exterior colors are consistent, which helps maintain a harmonious feel and high property values across all ADB neighborhoods.

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

— Doug Crisman , RSCA President

Set the Date: RSCA’s Annual Meeting — February 10 @ 7:30PM

Please join your Redwood Shores Community Association for the 2010 Annual Meeting held at the Redwood Shores Library on February 10, 2010 at 7:30PM. We will be presenting and opening up discussions on a variety of topics that affect us all here in Redwood Shores.

Planned topics and events at the Annual Meeting include:

  • The State of the Shores
  • The Levee Crisis
  • Our New Elementary School
  • A Presentation by the Mayor, City Manager, School District Superintendent & Others
  • Elections of the RSCA Board of Directors

This is YOUR community, so make sure to show up and be heard!
