Eggstravaganza 2017!

UPDATE: The rain has held up and the Easter Bunny has made a delivery, so come on out to Marlin Park today! Hopefully the weather will cooperate…

It’s time for the RSCA’s annual Eggstravaganza, held every year at Marlin Park in the center of Redwood Shores. Bring all your children and a basket for goodies to the park for the big Egg Hunt, where toddlers and young kids can seek out goodies hidden in the grass and playground. Also, the Easter Bunny will be there to lead off the Egg Hunt and later to pose for pictures with the boys and girls, so be sure to take along a camera as well!

The festivities begin at 1:00 PM on Saturday, March 8th at Marlin Park here in Redwood Shores.

Be sure to arrive early so that your child can line up in the right age category — the eggs disappear quickly, and the whistle begins exactly at 1:00, so be on time! (Please limit your children to 6 eggs each so that everyone can share.)

The Eggstravaganza is run by RSCA, and is a great place to sign up with our organization if you have not yet had a chance to do so. Please join in in making great events like this possible in Redwood Shores!

Eggstravaganza 2016!

It’s time for the RSCA’s annual Eggstravaganza, held every year at Marlin Park in the center of Redwood Shores. Bring all your children and a basket for goodies to the park for the big Egg Hunt, where toddlers and young kids can seek out goodies hidden in the grass and playground. Also, the Easter Bunny will be there to lead off the Egg Hunt and later to pose for pictures with the boys and girls, so be sure to take along a camera as well!

The festivities begin at 1:00 PM on Saturday, March 19th at Marlin Park here in Redwood Shores.

Be sure to arrive early so that your child can line up in the right age category — the eggs disappear quickly, and the whistle begins exactly at 1:00, so be on time! (Please limit your children to 6 eggs each so that everyone can share.)

Our local RWC Police will also be available to provide voluntary FINGERPRINTING for children of parents who might wish to have this record for identification. Because a child’s appearance can change in a short time, fingerprinting can be the best way to identify a lost child. And parents, don’t forget your camera for photo opportunities with the Easter Bunny.


The Eggstravaganza is run by RSCA, and is a great place to sign up with our organization if you have not yet had a chance to do so. Please join in in making great events like this possible in Redwood Shores!

Eggstravaganza 2015!

It’s time for the RSCA’s annual Eggstravaganza, held every year at Marlin Park in the center of Redwood Shores. Bring all your children and a basket for goodies to the park for the big Egg Hunt, where toddlers and young kids can seek out goodies hidden in the grass and playground. Also, the Easter Bunny will be there to lead off the Egg Hunt and later to pose for pictures with the boys and girls, so be sure to take along a camera as well!

The festivities begin at 1:00 PM on Saturday, March 28th at Marlin Park here in Redwood Shores.

Be sure to arrive early so that your child can line up in the right age category — the eggs disappear quickly, and the whistle begins exactly at 1:00, so be on time! (Please limit your children to 6 eggs each so that everyone can share.)

Our local RWC Police will also be available to provide voluntary FINGERPRINTING for children of parents who might wish to have this record for identification. Because a child’s appearance can change in a short time, fingerprinting can be the best way to identify a lost child. And parents, don’t forget your camera for photo opportunities with the Easter Bunny.


The Eggstravaganza is run by RSCA, and is a great place to sign up with our organization if you have not yet had a chance to do so. Please join in in making great events like this possible in Redwood Shores!

Eggstravaganza 2014!

It’s time for the RSCA’s annual Eggstravaganza, held every year at Marlin Park in the center of Redwood Shores. Bring all your children and a basket for goodies to the park for the big Egg Hunt, where toddlers and young kids can seek out goodies hidden in the grass and playground. Also, the Easter Bunny will be there to lead off the Egg Hunt and later to pose for pictures with the boys and girls, so be sure to take along a camera as well!

The festivities begin at 1:00 PM on Saturday, April 19th at Marlin Park here in Redwood Shores.

Be sure to arrive early so that your child can line up in the right age category — the eggs disappear quickly, and the whistle begins exactly at 1:00, so be on time!


We’ll have treats for the kids, so please bring a small basket. (Please limit your children to 6 eggs each so that everyone can share.) Look for the GOLDEN EGGS for a special prize!

Our local RWC Police will also be available to provide voluntary FINGERPRINTING for children of parents who might wish to have this record for identification. Because a child’s appearance can change in a short time, fingerprinting can be the best way to identify a lost child. And parents, don’t forget your camera for photo opportunities with the Easter Bunny.


The Eggstravaganza is run by RSCA, and is a great place to sign up with our organization if you have not yet had a chance to do so. Please join in in making great events like this possible in Redwood Shores!

Video from the Belmont-Redwood Shores School Board Candidate Forum

Hosted on Monday, September 23, 2013, this public forum was held by RSCA and the Belmont-Redwood Shores PTA in order to allow the community to get to know the candidates running for BRS School Board positions this November.

RSCA has posted a video of the event for residents who were not able to attend as well as those who were in attendance and would like a second look at this year’s seven candidates. The forum video runs through the opening statements and all questions asked to the candidates; due to technical difficulties, certain candidates’ closing statements were not available for this video and so all closing statements have been omitted from this posting to be fair to all the participants.

All candidates on the ballot were able to participate in this event. Candidates were seated according to randomized numbers; the names of those candidates are listed in the same order below (from left to right) to help you identify who is speaking throughout the presentation.

* Naomi Nishimoto
* Kelly Redmon
* Rakesh Hegde
* Chuck Velschow
* Amy Koo
* Survarna Bhopale
* Herb Neuman M.D.

Our moderator for the evening was Jim Hartnett a former mayor and city council member of Redwood City.

Thank you to all of the candidates for attending, thank you Mr. Hartnett for moderating the panel, and thank you for your interest in this important Belmont & Redwood Shores event.


Eggstravaganza 2013

It’s time for the RSCA’s annual Eggstravaganza, held every year at Marlin Park in the center of Redwood Shores. Bring all your children and a basket for goodies to the park for the big Egg Hunt, where toddlers and young kids can seek out goodies hidden in the grass and playground. Also, the Easter Bunny will be there to lead off the Egg Hunt and later to pose for pictures with the boys and girls, so be sure to take along a camera as well!

The festivities begin at 1:00 PM on Sunday, March 23rd at Marlin Park here in Redwood Shores.

Be sure to arrive early so that your child can line up in the right age category — the eggs disappear quickly, and the whistle begins exactly at 1:00, so be on time!


We’ll have treats for the kids, so please bring a small basket. (Please limit your children to 6 eggs each so that everyone can share.) Look for the GOLDEN EGGS for a special prize!

Our local RWC Police will also be available to provide voluntary FINGERPRINTING for children of parents who might wish to have this record for identification. Because a child’s appearance can change in a short time, fingerprinting can be the best way to identify a lost child. And parents, don’t forget your camera for photo opportunities with the Easter Bunny.


The Eggstravaganza is run by RSCA, and is a great place to sign up with our organization if you have not yet had a chance to do so. Please join in in making great events like this possible in Redwood Shores!

President’s Memo: June 2012

Membership Reminder

If you haven’t yet joined RSCA for 2012 you probably received a reminder in the mail recently. If by chance you didn’t receive your reminder, or if you misplaced it, just fill in the information on the form at the bottom of this page, and mail it to us along with your check.

Your $35 membership supports most of our community events like Eggstravaganza, the Halloween Walk, community meetings, and other Shores activities.

Be a member, and help us keep the Shores a GREAT place to live and work.

Meet RWC’s Police Chief on October 9th

Redwood City’s new Chief of Police, J.R. Gamez, will be joining us on Tuesday, October 9th for a conversation with the Shores community about our law enforcement concerns.


Tuesday, October 9th, 6:30pm at the RWS Library.

Chief Gamez is an avid listener, and this will be a great opportunity to exchange information and have a dialog about issues that may seem unique to the Shores.

BIG Changes in our Summer Concerts!

In response to your many comments and suggestions, we are making some big changes this year in our summer Sounds of the Shores concerts in Marlin Park.

First, all our concerts this year will be on SUNDAY afternoons. Second, we’ve moved the time up an hour to 5-7pm. This will hopefully keep us in the warm part of the afternoons before the sun starts to go down and the evenings starts to cool off. We believe these changes allow more people to attend and in a more enjoyable (i.e., “warmer”) time of the day.

We are trying to arrange a few other new things for our summer concerts. If you are on our email list we’ll let you know what’s happening about a week before each concert. If you want to be on our list, go to, on the web and under the “Feedback” tab, just click on the yellow “Join our email list” button.

Be a VOTER !

By the time you receive this month’s PILOT we are just past this year’s primary elections. But many expect a record number of voters to be a part of the national, state, and local elections this fall, Nov.6th.

Shores residents are among the most civic-minded people in this local area. Being a voter is one of the most basic ways each of us exercise our most fundamental right to express our opinions about the politics of our nation, our state, and our local governance.

Being a voter also increases the importance of the Shores with local government officials. They look closely at how many eligible voters actually vote, and the higher that percentage the more influence we have as a community.


Join Our Email List

With over 5,400 residents and 700 business in the Shores, we use our email list to keep you informed about our community events during the year. If you would like to be on our email list, simply click on the “Join Our Email List” button in the Feedback section of to sign up.

Our Privacy Policy:

Your information is for use only by Redwood Shores Community Association in contacting you. We do not share, sell, or provide our contact list to any other person or organization.

— Harris Rogers, RSCA President

President’s Memo: May 2012

Why Advertise in The PILOT ?

  1. The PILOT is the only magazine delivered to all 5,400 residential households in Redwood Shores (by USPS mail), total population of ~15,000 (includes ZIP Code 94065 plus the Belmont Shores neighborhood).
  2. The PILOT has been published monthly for over 40 years.
  3. As the only publication dedicated to the Shores community and its unique issues, The PILOT is a very “high-interest” publication for Shores residents.
  4. The Shores is a geographically distinct “island” community, surrounded on three sides by water and Hwy.101 on the fourth.
  5. The Shores is a high net-income community, with an estimated average household income of over $120,000. (2010 Census data is not yet available; 2000 census data showed average household income between $105,000–$120,000.)
  6. Demography of the Shores by Age:
    • a. Under 18: ~4,700
    • b. 18 – 34: ~2,000
    • c. 35 – 49: ~3,800
    • d. 50 – 64: ~2,600
    • e. 65 & over: ~1,600
  7. Demography of the Shores by Housing:
    • a. Total Residential Units: ~5,400
    • b. Owner occupied: ~3,900
    • c. Renter occupied: ~1,500
    • (930 apartments in 5 complexes, 500+ single-family units)
  8. The PILOT also goes to most of the 700 Businesses in the Shores, ranging from some of the largest on the Peninsula (Oracle & Electronic Arts) to many small retail shops & business offices.
  9. San Carlos, Belmont, Foster City, San Mateo, and downtown Redwood City business districts are all within 3-5 miles of the Redwood Shores community.

The PILOT connects you with every one of our residential households in Redwood Shores.

The PILOT is a great choice – is THE choice – if you want to reach every potential customers in the Shores community.


Shores History Now at the Library

For our 40th Anniversary Celebration back in 2010, RSCA put together a “history” of Redwood Shores in many pictures and newspaper articles dating back to the 1960s.

That history will again be on display for the next few months at the Redwood Shores Library. If you missed it in 2010, you should take some time to visit the library and browse through the history of our special community.

Originally “unwanted and unloved”, the Shores is now one of the brightest & best places to live and work on the Peninsula! See how it happened and the work that went into transforming this wonderful community we call home.


“No Feeding” Signs Going Up

On a separate page of this month’s PILOT you will find a draft of the City’s new “no feeding” signs that will be going up in our parks and public areas. Shortly after that you should start seeing similar signs on many private properties around the Shores.

Just a reminder that under California law, feeding wildlife is a punishable offense without regard to whether you are on public or private property.

And feeding by humans can cause unintended harm to ANY of our local or migratory waterfowl or wildlife. Feeding by humans can lead to under-nourishment by replacing the natural diet and lead to the spread of disease among the very animals you think you are “helping”. Feeding by humans can change natural behavior and migratory patterns and lead to local overcrowding. Feeding by humans can lead to more aggressive behavior toward adults AND children.

PLEASE… let’s do our part to keep wildlife wild!


HELP (always) WANTED !

RSCA is entirely a volunteer organization. The list of things that we “could” be doing – things we would like to be doing – continues to grow.

If you have a specific interest in something in the Shores that YOU would like to see improved, and you have 1-2 hours a week to work with RSCA, let’s talk about how we might work together. RSCA can provide support and a platform for action that you might not have as a single individual. You’ll also meet a lot of nice people who share your interest in keep the Shores a GREAT place to live and raise a family.


Join Our Email List

With over 5,400 residents and 700 business in the Shores, we use our email list to keep you informed about our community events during the year. If you would like to be on our email list, simply click on the “Join Our Email List” button in the Feedback section of to sign up.

Our Privacy Policy:

Your information is for use only by Redwood Shores Community Association in contacting you. We do not share, sell, or provide our contact list to any other person or organization.

— Harris Rogers, RSCA President

President’s Message: March 2011

Annual Meeting

A few weeks ago, RSCA hosted our Annual Meeting at the Redwood Shores Library. This is one of our most important regular events as it brings leaders and staff from Redwood City and the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District to the Shores to speak about issues that matter to us.

This year, about 100 community members attended and heard presentations from Mayor Jeff Ira and Council Member Jeff Gee on the state of the City and Redwood Shores and from Dr. Emerita Orta-Camilleri on the School District budget and developments at our Elementary and Middle schools. We also heard from Interim City Manager Bob Bell and Acting Police Chief Ed Hernandez. Their messages were similar — money is tight, and the city and schools will need to approach problems a bit more creatively than in the past. For example, Interim City Manager Bob Bell described how Redwood City is looking into performing some city functions with the help of a corps of volunteers (the Shores’ own Carole Wong is helping to launch this initiative).

While RSCA appreciates that the City needs to live within its budget, we also continue to advocate for basic City services in the Shores, which are our due. For example, we have been concerned for a while about the time needed by Police in Redwood City to respond to incidents in the Shores. Even though the Police Department has had some layoffs, we do not accept that this means that we should accept even slower response times. To the contrary, RSCA is going to continue to press for improved Police response times and coverage in the Shores, as would any City neighborhood. Similarly, we have over the past few months asked the City to replace the many burned-out street lights in the Shores and to smooth the rough spots on our Parkways that wreak havoc on our cars’ suspensions. I am happy to report that the City has recently embarked on a program to address both of these issues — which we appreciate.

Redwood Shores Elementary Matching Funds

Despite the prevailing financial mess, there was one good piece of news – from the School District. As you may have read in our local papers, and as reported by Dr. Orta-Camilleri at our Annual Meeting, it appears that the School District will be awarded $8.75M in matching funds from the State to be used on building projects at Redwood Shores Elementary School.

As a new school with state-of-the-art facilities, Redwood Shores Elementary certainly does not have $8.75 in needs to address. Accordingly, RSCA expects the District to use these funds prudently and transparently, and we specifically want the District to use a substantial portion of these matching funds to pay off some of the $25M in Measure C Bonds that we passed and are paying for with our property taxes. Further, if for some legal reason the District can’t use these funds to pay off Measure C bonds, we want to have a say — before the fact — in how the funds will be spent, to ensure that at least some of the projects will benefit the entire Shores community.

Welcome to the New Officers of RSCA

I have been honored to be President of RSCA for the past two years. It has been a busy and successful two years for RSCA and much of this success is due to your membership support and the outstanding RSCA Board I’ve been privileged to work with. At our February meeting the RSCA Board elected a new slate of officers who will continue to provide strong leadership of RSCA and advocacy for the Shores. Please join me in welcoming our new officers: Harris Rogers (President), Sue Nix (Vice President), Lynn Adams (Secretary) and Ian Gunderman (Treasurer). Godspeed!

— Doug Crisman , former RSCA President

President’s Message: January 2011

Some Notable Shores Residents

I’ve written many times about different events and meetings sponsored by RSCA as part of our mission to enhance the quality of life in the Redwood Shores. This month, I’m writing about two longtime RSCA Board Members, Pete Hughes and Pat Dixon, who work behind the scenes to make our mission a success. We all owe Pete and Pat many thanks for their years of community service, to which I can’t do justice in this small space.

Pete Hughes. If you enjoy walking or exercising on our pristine levees; or if you attend RSCA’s annual meeting to learn essential information from and question our local officials, you have Pete Hughes to thank. Pete is a longtime Redwood Shores resident with his wife Ginny, and a former successful business owner in Redwood City. Pete’s civic devotion and commitment to the community is truly exceptional. As an RSCA Board member, Pete conceived of and has managed almost single-handedly RSCA’s annual levee clean-up, where scores of community volunteers pick up trash on all of our levees and public areas. Pete is also a regular volunteer at other RSCA events, such as our annual Eggstravaganza and Halloween Walk in Marlin Park, and was the Shores rep to the Shores GID committee. Outside of RSCA, Pete has donated countless hours to the Peninsula Celebration Association, the Police Activities League and Casa de Redwood Senior Housing. He has also served the children and taxpayers of the Shores as a volunteer on New Shores School Advisory Committee and the Measure C Oversight Committee.

Pat Dixon. For many years, Pat has been the resource in the Shores for information on all doings in Redwood City and neighboring cities that have an impact on Redwood Shores, especially in relation to public safety and our infrastructure (e.g., road projects, public transportation, building projects, seniors’ issues, etc.). Pat has kept on top of these issues by attending many public meetings each week, all over the Peninsula. She also has frequent conversations with government officials who work on these issues and knows who to call to get things done, which has been a big help to RSCA and the Shores. You can also thank Pat for the messages you read on the RSCA sign boards on Redwood Shores and Marlin Parkways – she has posted these notices (different ones each week) for years, rain or shine. Pat is also passionate about our local wildlife and is known as the Swan Lady for her concern for and care of our resident Swans that live in the Davit Lagoon. Pat writes a regular Pilot column, On my Soapbox, where she provides information, advice, and her opinions on a wide range of topics.

Annual Meeting

Save the date for RSCA’s annual meeting, which will be held at the Redwood Shores Branch Library at 7:00 pm on February 9, 2011. Come to hear updates from our public officials on issues that matter to the Shores.


Many of you probably wonder how these two similarly-named organizations differ, and what their primary roles are in the Shores. In the interest of helping you sort this out, Carole Wong, President of RSOA, and I have prepared a table presenting a side-by-side comparison of RSCA and RSOA. You can review the table as well as a map showing geographic coverage of the two organizations, and list of local homeowner associations within respective jurisdictional areas on our respective web sites, and

— Doug Crisman , RSCA President