Fashion Forward: Toss, Tweak or Keep?

Here’s a little checklist to help you decide which pieces of clothing in your closet are wardrobe-worthy. Be honest…

Does it fit you NOW or will it take 6 months of dieting before it does? Are you going to lose the weight? Will it even be in style by the time you do? If you think it will work for you, keep and tweak. If not – toss.

Does it flatter your figure NOW? Let’s face it – our bodies change over time. What looked good 10 or even 5 years ago may be a lot less flattering now. Get rid of what doesn’t work for you.

Does it make me feel sexy, attractive or confident? If yes, you’ve got a keeper on your hands. Make sure it’s in regular use or else get rid of it.

Does it bring out my favorite qualities and/or what image I want to project? Is your closet full of clothes that represent things you used to do, but don’t anymore? Make sure your clothes represent the image of who you are NOW. Let the past go and start dressing for the present.

Has it lost its luster? White (and black) tees frequently fall into this category, but there may be other items that are just too “tired” to be worn in public in longer. Toss them and get fresh replacements if they’re something you love.

Would I buy it again? If the answer is no, let it go. If the answer is yes and you love this piece but don’t know how to wear it, it’s time to call your image consultant.


— Adena DiTonno

Adena is owner of adenaDesigns, a fashion and wardrobe consultancy in Redwood Shores. Get free tip-sheets and sign up for a monthly newsletter on


Fashion Forward: Amaze with Accessories

“The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize.” Clairee in Steel Magnolias.

This may or may not be true, but it’s still one of my favorite quotes. Regardless, one of the easiest ways to update your wardrobe each season is with accessories. Here’s how you can make your Spring/Summer wardrobe “pop” with some key accessories:

SHOES – flats, loafers, espadrilles, wedges, peep-toes, platforms – there truly is something for everyone this season. Whether you like a floral pattern, color block, metallic, lace detailing, neutrals, brights or pastels, even transparent – you can find them all. Metallics and animal prints tend to endure as footwear trends, along with classic espadrilles and ballet flats. Find one (or two) that capture your imagination and they will up-to-date your look instantly.

HANDBAGS are also an easy wardrobe update. Again, there are so many choices: brights, pastels, neutrals, color-blocked, plus the prints (florals, tribals, animal prints). Don’t forget canvas and straw for your more casual looks.

BANGLES are still wildly popular this year. Combine them in varying widths, colors, and textures, or go for one dynamic statement bracelet. Experiment – spring/summer fashion is all about having some fun!

HATS AND HEADWEAR are all the rage (thanks to last summer’s Royal wedding, in large part.) Consider a wide-brimmed straw hat tied with a colorful scarf or maybe just the scarf itself, tied turban or headband style. Speaking of headbands – how about a bejeweled or feathered one?

Are you ready to explore accessories? Give me a call if you’re ready to jump in!

— Adena DiTonno

Adena is owner of adenaDesigns, a fashion and wardrobe consultancy in Redwood Shores.

Fashion Forward

“Only Her Hairdresser Knows For Sure.”

When this slogan was first introduced by Clairol in the 50’s, it spoke to the intimate relationship a woman had with her hairdresser.  This relationship remains to this day one of the most personal in a woman’s life.  However the question now is “Does your current hairdresser know “for sure” about you and your needs when it comes to your hair?  

Even though I am not a hair stylist, our hair is an integral part of our overall image. In order for us to look our very best, our hair must reflect who we are at every stage of our life. In order for our stylist to give us the best service and for us to feel like we are spending our “maintenance dollars” in the best possible way, we must be honest with our stylist and/or if our stylist isn’t asking the right questions of us, we must take the initiative and introduce the subject(s) that are troubling us.  With that in mind, here are a few tips and teasers to get you thinking about what you might want to discuss with your stylist at your next appointment.  

1.  Does she ask about your hair?  “How is this cut working for you?”  “Tell me what’s going on with your hair since you were in last.”

2.  Do you have a thorough discussion with her about what’s required in order to achieve the look you think you want? Are you willing to use the proper products and take the time necessary for the style, or is it too much of a bother? She should be willing to honestly discuss whether a style is appropriate for your face shape and lifestyle, as well as whether the color you want is actually achievable and, as important, appropriate for your coloring.

3.  Does your stylist deep condition your hair (not just the quick condition when they are washing your hair?) This is especially important if you are doing any kind of processing on your hair, whether it is color, bleach, permanent or straightening.

4.  Does your stylist allow enough time for the overall treatment of your hair – including color, conditioning and cut? Sometimes it’s easy to feel like we’re being rushed through the salon, and some things (like color, for instance) just can’t be hurried. Likewise, have YOU allowed enough time in your schedule so you’re not pressuring the stylist to hurry through the process?  (Sometimes, we’re our own worst enemy with our over-booked calendars, yes?!)

5.  Are you doing your part?  Just like with our skin, our hair (and nails) reflect our diet.   Don’t forget your vitamins too – besides your multivitamin, both biotin and primrose oil can be a big boost to your hair and nails.  Are you using the proper equipment (like a boar bristle brush?) Are you deep conditioning once a week – putting a shower cap on and heating it up with your dryer for 10 minutes or so, so the conditioner can penetrate?  Maybe your stylist has given you other guidelines to help maintain the condition and style of your hair – are you following them?

6.  Are you willing to adapt your style and color as you age? Just as we have to modify our color palettes for our clothing somewhat as we age, the same is true for our hair and make-up.  The style and color we’ve always worn just may not be appropriate for us twenty years later. Are you open to discussing this with your stylist so that she can use her talents to make suggestions?

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do…

 Lastly, if you’re not satisfied with your current stylist, maybe you should try someone new.  It’s difficult for us women to even think about “cheating” on our stylist, but it’s also important that we feel we’re getting the very best care and advice possible.  Don’t forget our part in this: we have to be honest with our stylist about our needs and limitations, what we are and are not willing to do, what we are and are not willing to pay. When the communication and cooperation is a two-way street, truly your stylist can know you “for sure” and you’ll be all the happier for it.

— Adena DiTonno

Adena is owner of adenaDesigns, a fashion and wardrobe consultancy in Redwood Shores.

Fashion Forward: Preparing for Disaster – Day In and Day Out

There are a couple of paths to take when preparing for disaster when it comes to your clothing. There’s DISASTER – when you might literally have nothing to wear when a physical disaster occurs. Then there’s Disaster – when the hem in your skirt starts to unravel as you’re preparing to walk into an important meeting. We’ll deal a bit with both here – starting with:


Living in an earthquake-prone part of the country (although with earthquakes striking in Washington, DC, perhaps the entire country may be considered earthquake-prone), most of us have come to terms with a certain state of disaster-readiness in our lives. Certainly this issue of The Pilot may spur us to greater depths of preparedness. In general, we tend to think of being “ready” in terms of food, water, flashlights, etc. One area that you may not have thought through, though, is your preparedness in terms of clothing. Here are a few suggestions you may want to consider:

1. A friend who survived the Northridge quake some years ago shared his “aHa” moment. When the shaking stopped, as he was scrambling to get out of bed, he realized his floor was covered in broken glass and his shoes were in the closet. Since that time, he always keeps a pair of shoes under his bed for easy retrieval. It’s a small thing, but very practical and easy to implement.

2. Set aside one set of clothing per person in the household, packed in a medium-sized duffel. Ideally it will be of durable fabric and consist of layers, such as long-sleeved thermal undershirt, short-sleeved tee-shirt, rugged pants, jacket, rain poncho, hat, gloves and sturdy shoes. You may have to do more walking than you are used to, in uneven terrain, so good walking shoes could be very important. Don’t forget underwear and socks. You may need to wear this clothing for several days, so think in terms of comfort and durability.

3. While a blanket and/or sleeping bag isn’t technically clothing, it is an item that can certainly function as an extreme outer layer of protection from the elements. Make sure you have several for your family.

For the lesser “Disasters” of modern day life, here are a few things to keep on hand for quick fixes:

  • Duct tape – good for taping up the aforementioned skirt whose hem has decided to unravel. Hollywood Fashion Tape is a daintier staple to keep on hand for closing the gap in fine fabrics.
  • Sewing kit – the kind you get in hotel rooms are fine and dandy for quick repairs and are small and easy to stash in your desk drawer or glove compartment.
  • Safety pins – no explanation needed. When you need one, you need one.
  • Small lint roller – for stray pet hair, etc. Duck tape or scotch tape rolled back on itself will also work in a pinch.
  • Bandaids – for the blister that sometimes arises when wearing new shoes or the same pair of shoes for hours at a stretch.

Come to think of it – with the exception of the lint roller, you may want to include all of these in your DISASTER kit above.

— Adena DiTonno

Adena is owner of adenaDesigns, a fashion and wardrobe consultancy in Redwood Shores.

Fashion Forward: Swimwear Shopping Savvy

I shared swimwear shopping tips with you at this time last year, but do believe they bear repeating. Women in particular tend to dread not only the day we have to appear in public in our swimsuit, but also the whole process of shopping for it.  (I mean, truly, couldn’t they put some flattering light and mirrors in those dressing rooms?!) Keep these few tips in mind and it won’t be quite so tortuous….


SSS Tip #1

First of all, forget about numbers…the size, that is.  No one will see the size but you, and the important thing is that the suit fit properly, to show off your best assets.  If it bothers you, cut out the tag after you purchase.


SSS Tip #2

You probably have a pretty good idea about your body ‘shape’, i.e. round, rectangle, triangle, inverted triangle, hourglass.  That being said, you should look for suits that will emphasize your most attractive assets while minimizing those areas you’re not so fond of.

For example, if you want to camouflage your midriff, a suit with ruching in the midriff will help. A vertical accent, such as a ruffle down the front of a suit or a vertical line in a contrasting color, will help to slim the body.

If your shape is a triangle (heavier on the bottom), you can focus attention on the upper body with a printed tankini top and solid color bottom. Another way to accomplish this is a suit with wide-set straps, which will draw the eye upward and outward, emphasizing the upper chest and shoulders.

If you want to emphasize (or create) a waistline, a suit with detailing at the waist will do the trick. You may want to check out the swimsuit section on the Nordstrom website – you can look at suits according to your body type.


SSS Tip #3

Think about the fabric and your planned activity before you purchase.  For example, if you’re planning on spending time in the water, avoid crocheted or loosely-knitted suits because they sag and lose their shape when wet. Move around in your suit – stretch, sit down, raise your knees. You want to make sure the suit stays in put in all the proper places.


SSS Tip #4

Get a tan…no, not in the sun but out of a bottle.  We all look better in a swimsuit when our skin is a bit tanned.  Whether it’s a spray-on (Mystic and Versatan systems are two good ones…I especially like Versatan because it dries you off after the ‘liquid tan’ is sprayed on…minimizes streaking) or a lotion (again, my favorite is Loreal Sublime Bronze…gives a good color and doesn’t have a strong odor…be sure to wash your hands well afterwards or, as I do, wear latex gloves to apply.)

— Adena DiTonno

Adena is owner of adenaDesigns, a fashion and wardrobe consultancy in Redwood Shores.

Fashion Forward: Time to “Re-Boot”

It’s common enough advice when it comes to trouble-shooting all our tech-y problems, be it computer, cable box or whatever. It’s also good fashion advice this time of year — the stores are still full of a wide selection of boots and the cooler weather is now turning our minds towards more substantial footwear.

You may think you’re ‘all set’ when it comes to the boot department, but it’s smart to give your boots a serious scrutiny. Because they tend to be worn in more inclement weather conditions, they can take a serious beating. If yours aren’t too terribly damaged, it would be smart to take them now to the shoe shop so that scuffs can be buffed and polished, soles and heels examined and replaced where necessary, and perhaps a water repellant applied for protection. Naturally, you’ll let them thoroughly air out and dry out after each wearing, then store them properly with boot trees so they’ll retain their shape. (Bed Bath & Beyond has a nifty pair for only $9.99.)

Now that you’ve evaluated and salvaged your existing boots, take a look to see if you need to supplement your wardrobe with other styles. Rarely does one pair of boots cover all your needs.

Flat-bottomed boots are extremely popular now and serve your casual needs very well when worn over your jeans or leggings. Shoe-booties combine the look of a boot with the smartness of a pump. There are many variations: they can end at the ankle or slightly above, have a fold-over top, zipper or button detailing, come in a platform sole, may have a peep-toe, and of course, are available in a variety of heel heights, colors and leather or leather/fabric combinations. Shoe-booties look great with tights, work with pants or skirts, and can be dressy or casual. Rain boots (yes, galoshes!) are cuter than ever and are worth the investment when you know you’ll be out running errands in rainy weather. So many colors and patterns are available now — have some fun with your rain boots. They’ll brighten a gloomy day.

Most of all, if you’re in the market for boots, don’t wait too long to go shopping. The selection now is plentiful so shop early if you’re looking for a particular style. If you’re more flexible with your needs, you can wait for the soon-to-come sales. After that, the selection is going to be very limited for the remainder of our cooler, rainy season and you may be kicking yourself (with an old boot) that you missed out. Get out there and re-boot!

— Adena DiTonno

Adena is owner of adenaDesigns, a fashion and wardrobe consultancy in Redwood Shores.

Fashion Forward: Fashioning Your Fall

Yes, we’ve just experienced the Mark Twain-attributed quote “The coldest winter I ever saw was the summer I spent in San Francisco”, and many of us are looking forward to the warmer days of September and October. However, in the fashion world, Fall is here. If you haven’t thought about Fall yet, now would be a good time to think about packing away your summer clothes and preparing your closet for the coming season.

Fall Trend #1: Camel and Gray Neutrals. While many of us have a closet full of black as our ‘go to’ neutral, think about adding in some camel and gray. They both work beautifully with black and also with each other.

Fall Trend #2: Add a Pop of Color or a Rich Opulent Print to Those Neutrals. All three of the above-mentioned neutrals can handle a pop of color – whether purple, green, red or whatever. Pick one of ‘your’ colors and add it into the mix. Similarly, a rich brocade or metallic print accent will add depth and texture to a simple basic.

Fall Trend #3: Leopard Spots. Animal prints have been a long-time staple, but the leopard is taking the lead this year. It’s fun to wear leopard spots – on your handbag, or perhaps your shoes or a belt. Just remember to not overdo it – a little goes a long way.

Fall Trend #4: Fur and Feathers. Whether your fur is faux or real, you’ll be seeing it and feathers everywhere as accents. They are playful and available at all price points. Since a fur coat isn’t a necessity in our area to keep warm, think about incorporating it into a vest or handbag or some other accessory.

Fall Trend #5: Classic Shapes with Sharp Tailoring. This might be the time to reevaluate your wardrobe basics and replace those that are worn or damaged, or perhaps add in some new ones. You should find lots of choices now, so take advantage of the supply and stock up. (If you find this task daunting, a wardrobe consultant can help with the evaluation and shopping.)

Fall Trend 6: Longer, Fuller Skirts. For those who haven’t enjoyed the trend of shorter skirts, take heart. Now you should be able to find those longer skirts you’ve been waiting for. Again, take advantage of the supply and replenish your wardrobe while you can before the ‘fashion gods’ rule them gone.

When you’re incorporating trends into your wardrobe, buy quality for those items that you consider essential to your wardrobe going forward. Spend less on those items that you know you’ll only want to enjoy while they’re the current ‘hot thing.’

— Adena DiTonno

Adena is owner of adenaDesigns, a fashion and wardrobe consultancy in Redwood Shores.

Fashion Forward: Sum…Sum…Summertime!

As a kid, the thought of Summertime can conjure up seemingly endless days of playing outdoors, a vacation with the family, softball games, BBQ’s, or maybe days at the beach (or if you’re from the East … days ‘down the Shore’.) Somewhere in our lives, we gals start to view one aspect of Summertime with dread — the day we will don our swimsuit … and not only the day we have to appear in public in that suit, but also the whole process of shopping for it. (I mean, truly, couldn’t they put some flattering light and mirrors in those dressing rooms?!)

Well, take heart, it doesn’t have to be a torture for you. First of all, it helps going in if you have a little Swimwear Shopping Savvy…..

SSS Tip #1

First of all, forget about numbers…the size, that is. No one will see the size but you, and the important thing is that the suit fit properly, to show off your best assets. If it bothers you, cut out the tag after you purchase.

SSS Tip #2

You probably have a pretty good idea about your body ‘shape’, i.e. round, rectangle, triangle, inverted triangle, hourglass. That being said, you should look for suits that will emphasize your most attractive assets while minimizing those areas you’re not so fond of.

For example, if you want to camouflage your midriff, a suit with ruching in the midriff will help. A vertical accent, such as a ruffle down the front of a suit or a vertical line in a contrasting color, will help to slim the body.

If your shape is a triangle (heavier on the bottom), you can focus attention on the upper body with a printed tankini top and solid color bottom. Another way to accomplish this is a suit with wide-set straps, which will draw the eye upward and outward, emphasizing the upper chest and shoulders.

If you want to emphasize (or create) a waistline, a suit with detailing at the waist will do the trick. Check out the swimsuit section on the Nordstrom website – you can look at suits according to your body type.

SSS Tip #3

Think about the fabric and your planned activity before you purchase. For example, if you’re planning on spending time in the water, avoid crocheted or loosely-knitted suits because they sag and lose their shape when wet.

SSS Tip #4

Get a tan … no, not in the sun but out of a bottle.

We all look better in a swimsuit when our skin is a bit tanned. Whether it’s a spray-on (Mystic and Versatan systems are two good ones…I especially like Versatan because it dries you off after the ‘liquid tan’ is sprayed on…minimizes streaking) or a lotion (again, my favorite is Loreal Sublime Bronze…gives a good color and doesn’t smell bad…be sure to wash your hands well afterwards or, as I do, wear latex gloves to apply.)

— Adena DiTonno

Adena is owner of adenaDesigns, a fashion and wardrobe consultancy in Redwood Shores.

Fashion Forward: The Good, The Bad, and the Beautiful!

The Good: most of the colder, wetter weather is behind us now (we think!)

The Bad: taxes are inevitable, but they ARE behind us now, for a while anyway.

The Beautiful: we’re moving through and into two of our most wonderful seasons.

We’ve been talking about Spring fashions for some time now, starting last September when the trends for the season were presented at Fashion Week. But now that we’re here in the season — what do YOU want to do to update your wardrobe?

Maybe it’s a nude shoe — it’s plusses are many: it lengthens the leg … it goes with everything … it works well as sandal or heel … and it’s available at all price points.

Another hot trend of the season is lucite – you can even combine it with the nude shoe or incorporate it as a stand-alone accessory, such as a necklace or bracelet.

And speaking of necklaces, add a bib, baby! A bib necklace, that is. Whether it’s lucite or a fun novelty version with faux stones, there’s no shortage of choices to spruce up your warm-weather wardrobe.

You’ll want to add some arm candy too — the good news is, it’s non-fattening. Don’t be shy with this trend — stack the bracelets or cuffs on the same arm. Use coordinating colors and a variety of textures.

With the softer neutrals of the season, add in a pop of color, whether it’s yellow, purple, coral or blue (this season’s hottest accent color.) We say — don’t limit yourself. These are easy and fun ways to update your look and add some drama. Now go out there and enjoy the season!

— Adena DiTonno

Adena is owner of adenaDesigns, a fashion consultancy in Redwood Shores. Visit her web-site at

Fashion Forward: It’s The Holiday Season

…And haven’t we all been reminded of this now since before Halloween?!  I just saw my first Santa on the street and it isn’t even Thanksgiving as I write this article.  So let’s talk holiday attire – whether you’re going to the office party, a dinner party, or dinner & dancing, this year’s multi-tasking holiday tips (meaning, they work for men AND women) will help you get all spruced-up for the season.

*Add a vest.  Ladies, there are so many lovely choices out there. Maybe you’d like something with sparkle…or a subtle metallic sheen…or in a regal burgundy, royal blue or purple…or how about fur (faux or real)?  Guys, your vest can be done in the traditional holiday plaid, but would be more innovative in a rich velvet, brocade or said regal burgundy, royal blue or purple mentioned above. (However, don’t try to match your lady – that’s just too much!) Any of these options will instantly update your look and add that special touch that says “I’m ready for the party!”

*Speaking of velvet, it’s classic holiday dressing. For us gals, a velvet pant and tunic or cami are luscious (and comfy too!)  Besides the vest mentioned above, guys look so handsome in a velvet blazer (this looks great with jeans too, for a dressy casual home party.)

*Shine on …with touches of glimmer and shimmer.  The operative word here is “touches”. While guys are probably not going to be tempted to overdo it (a shimmery shirt or tie will probably be the extent of it), us gals have to remember not to load it on too heavily.  We have all kinds of choices, from tops to pants to jackets to dresses to shoes to jewels to purses (isn’t it fun to be a girl and have all of these options?!)  Stick to just a couple of statement items so you’ll make the kind of statement that’s flattering, not blinding.

*Add some color…and we don’t mean black!  Yes, traditionally it’s the ‘go-to’ color for dressy occasions, but have some fun with your holiday attire.  Add a pop of bright color – guys in a great tie or bow-tie, or shirt – ladies in a ‘wow’ top or skirt, or maybe some fuschia satin pumps or sandals, for example.  All black is just too ordinary when there are so many other options out there.

‘Tis the season – have fun with your holiday dressing!

— Adena DiTonno is owner of adenaDesigns, a fashion consultancy in Redwood Shores.