Confirmed Shift to At-Home Learning Beginning Monday

(The following is a message from Belmont-Redwood Shores School District Superintendent Michael Milliken)

Hello Belmont-Redwood Shores Community,

Within the last hour, the San Mateo County Health Officer has ordered all schools (grades TK-12) within the County to dismiss students from regular attendance and has encouraged at-home learning alternatives. BRSSD will comply with this order, which is effective for the next three weeks, March 16 to April 3, 2020 (the next two weeks of school plus our scheduled spring break). All school-related activities, clubs, sports, performances, and extracurriculars are subject to this order and are suspended for this period.

The press release summarizing the order can be found here.

The 3-page order can be found here.

We will follow up with additional information as we generate, collect, and organize it. I will do my best to keep communications regular, orderly, and as comprehensive as possible. Finalizing and sharing a plan that outlines educational activities, expectations, and general resources is our administration’s top priority. We will be in touch with BRSSD families by Sunday noon at the latest. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Michael Milliken

School Board Vacancies

The following is provided by Michael Milliken, Superintendent of the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District, in regards to an important and time-sensitive development at the local school board.

Last month, Trustees Robert Tashjian and Huan Phan resigned from the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District Board of Trustees effective June 19, 2019. The Board has decided to fill their vacant board seats via appointment for the remainder of their terms through November 2020.

All residents are welcome to submit an application for Board appointment through June 3, 2019. Applications can be found on the District website, Applications will be reviewed at the June 6 board meeting, public interviews will take place at a special board meeting on June 17, and the finalists are expected to be voted onto the Board on June 20. Eligibility for serving on the Board is being at least 18 years of age, a registered voter, and a resident within the school district boundaries.

Additionally, you are invited to email your input to the Board regarding criteria for the selection process anytime throughout the process at .

Belmont Redwood Shores School District Board Vacancy

This message for Redwood Shores Community Members comes from the Belmont Redwood Shores School District (BRSSD):

At its most recent meeting, the Board of Trustees decided to fill the upcoming board vacancy with a provisional appointment. By statute, the Board has until April 15, 2017, to make this appointment, and we are now seeking applicants for this position. We encourage you to consider applying! Applicants must be registered voters residing in the District’s attendance area, and may not be an employee of the District.

The Board will have a vacancy due to Trustee Charles Velschow’s resignation effective March 22, 2017. The newly appointed Trustee will serve for the remainder of his term, through November 2018.

Application information can be found here. The application deadline is March 23, 2017, at 12pm. Interviews will be held on the evening of April 3, 2017.

You are welcome to forward this email to anyone who you think may be interested in serving on the Board. Please reach out to me directly with questions at or 650-620-2703.


Michael Milliken
BRSSD Superintendent

A Message from the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District About Sandpiper Elementary School Expansion Plans

Dear Redwood Shores Community,

The Belmont-Redwood Shores School District is planning to expand Sandpiper Elementary School to provide 6th, 7th, and 8th grades and a total of 220 additional students in grades K-8. This project is intended to offer the families in Redwood Shores a local public school option for grades 6-8 and to help reduce the overall traffic into and out of the Shores. In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the City of Redwood City has commissioned an environmental study, known as an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration. The document outlines what the impacts might be and how the District proposes to mitigate the potential impacts to a less than significant level. An analysis of potential traffic impacts is included. The study was published on November 4, and public comments will be accepted until December 6, 2016.

You can find the study on the District’s homepage, at, and you can provide comments to Lisa Costa Sanders, Contract Principal Planner with the City of Redwood City, at 650-780-7363 or . Thank you!

Michael Milliken


Belmont-Redwood Shores School District

Superintendent’s Update to the Community

Thursday January 23, at 7pm
at Nesbit School in Belmont

Micheal Milliken the Belmont Redwood Shores School District Superintendent, wants to keep the community informed, to give them direct access to our district leadership, and to provide current and accurate information about district budget, curriculum, enrollment, and testing. Mr. Milliken will be holding a community meeting this Thusday to discuss these important matters with Redwood Shores and Belmont residents.

Please plan to attend for the latest with the district.

Video from the Belmont-Redwood Shores School Board Candidate Forum

Hosted on Monday, September 23, 2013, this public forum was held by RSCA and the Belmont-Redwood Shores PTA in order to allow the community to get to know the candidates running for BRS School Board positions this November.

RSCA has posted a video of the event for residents who were not able to attend as well as those who were in attendance and would like a second look at this year’s seven candidates. The forum video runs through the opening statements and all questions asked to the candidates; due to technical difficulties, certain candidates’ closing statements were not available for this video and so all closing statements have been omitted from this posting to be fair to all the participants.

All candidates on the ballot were able to participate in this event. Candidates were seated according to randomized numbers; the names of those candidates are listed in the same order below (from left to right) to help you identify who is speaking throughout the presentation.

* Naomi Nishimoto
* Kelly Redmon
* Rakesh Hegde
* Chuck Velschow
* Amy Koo
* Survarna Bhopale
* Herb Neuman M.D.

Our moderator for the evening was Jim Hartnett a former mayor and city council member of Redwood City.

Thank you to all of the candidates for attending, thank you Mr. Hartnett for moderating the panel, and thank you for your interest in this important Belmont & Redwood Shores event.

Meet the Elementary School District Superintendent

Dr. Michael Milliken, the new superintendent for the Belmont-Redwood Shores Elementary School District, is eager to meet the community. His top priority is to improve the District’s communication, and as part of this effort is inviting residents to join him to talk about issues that affect our school system.

Thursday, August 29th
6:30 PM
Sandpiper Community Center
(797 Redwood Shores Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065)

Everyone is invited to convene for this important meeting.There will be a similar event in Belmont on Sept. 4th – see the District’s website ( ) for details.


About Dr. Michael P. Milliken
Dr. Milliken
Dr. Milliken joined the District formally beginning on July 1, 2013. He began his career in public education as an elementary school teacher in San Diego in 1996. He subsequently served as an elementary teacher and then middle school math teacher in Maryland and was appointed as an elementary principal in Newark, California, in 2005. Dr. Milliken joined the Palo Alto Unified School District as the principal at Jordan Middle School in 2008. He served as principal for three years and is credited with creating a collaborative environment and positive school culture.

In 2011, Dr. Milliken was elevated to Director of Secondary Education in the Palo Alto Unified School District and has been responsible for supervising Palo Alto’s two high schools, as well as three middle schools and adult school.

Dr. Milliken received a BA in Political Science, and an MA and Ph.D. in Educational Administration, all from Stanford University. For two years after college, he taught English in Indonesia to students preparing to become teachers. Dr. Milliken, who is married with two daughters, has coached youth softball and soccer, and has served on the board of the educational foundation for his daughters’ school district.

Superintendent Search in the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District

The Belmont-Redwood Shores School District is searching for a new Superintendent, and is inviting residents to participate in the process to identify the characteristics needed for our neighborhood schools. The Board of Trustees would greatly appreciate your input and assistance with this important task, and encourages you to participate in the process by:

  • Attending an Open Forum* on either:
  1. Wednesday, March 20 at 7:30PM — Nesbit, Multi-Use room
  2. Thursday, March 21 at 10:30AM — District Office, Board Room
  • Completing an online survey located at by March 24, 2013

(*The Open Forums will be facilitated by a member of the Board’s consultant firm.)

A Letter to the School Board

 (This message was sent by the Redwood Shores Community Association to the Belmont-Redwood Shores School Board of Trustees on February 2, 2012.)

February 2, 2012

Superintendent Dr. Emerita Orta-Camilleri and

Members of the Belmont-Redwood Shores Board of Trustees

2960 Hallmark Dr

Belmont, CA 94002


I am writing at the direction of RSCA’s Board of Directors to address the School District’s plans for the use of the more than $8.7 Million in matching State grant funds recently awarded to the District.

As long time supporters of the School District, the Redwood Shores Community Association has a strong interest in how the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District plans to use funds provided by the State of California as a match to the bond funds raised for use in the Redwood Shores SFID by Measure C.

Given that:

  1. When the School District was unable to come up with funds to build the much-needed second elementary school in the Shores, a separate funding district (‘the Redwood Shores SFID’) was created, and Shores residents voted to approve Bond Measure C to provide $25 Million to purchase land and cover building costs for the new Redwood Shores Elementary School.
  2. Funding for land and construction of the new school was paid entirely by the residents of the Shores.
  3. The grant of State funds was to match funding for construction for the new school, again those Measure C bond funds provided entirely by the residents of the Shores.

Therefore we believe strongly that the matching State grant funds should be used ONLY for new construction or improvements at Redwood Shores Elementary and Sandpiper Elementary, or to pay off Measure C bonds.

In the past we asked the School District to provide relief to Shores taxpayers by paying off a portion of the Measure C bonds with matching funds not used for school projects in the Shores. We still favor this plan.

However, should the School District decide to retain the Measure C bond funds for present and future school projects, we feel quite strongly that those funds should be maintained solely for use in the Redwood Shores SFID (i.e., at Sandpiper Elementary or Redwood Shores Elementary).

We were surprised to read yesterday that the School District is planning to spend potentially millions of the Measure C matching dollars at Ralston Middle School, arguing that this would be acceptable because Shores students also attend Ralston. While this may be true, it is also true that the School District recently passed a bond measure within the entire School District (including the Shores) for those Ralston improvements. Rather than spending Measure C matching funds at Ralston, it would be more appropriate for the School District to apply for additional matching funds for Ralston based on the District-wide Ralston bond measure.

We can only hope that the School District will exercise its fiduciary responsibility in the use all bond and SFID Measure C matching funds both prudently and appropriately. You should expect that the support of RSCA and the Shores community for any future School District bond measures and/or parcel taxes will be quite dependent upon the District’s decision in this matter.


Harris Rogers, President

270 Redwood Shores Parkway, PMB 205, Redwood City, CA 94065-1173

RSCA is a proud member of the Redwood City Chamber of Commerce