Redwood Shores 2025 Annual Meeting

Want to know what’s happening here in the Shores? Come out to the Redwood Shores Annual Community Meeting, hosted by RSCA,  and get the latest update on “The State of the Shores”.


(*NOTE: The previous RSCA Annual Meeting was held at the Sandpiper Community Center. This year, we are returning to the Redwood Shores Library, which should alleviate any parking difficulties attendees may have had last year. Please make note of the change.)

RSCA is the advocate for Redwood Shores. Essentially, RSCA works with the City, County, and School Districts to have the best outcome for Redwood Shores. Issues affecting this community are not always discovered or represented in the larger city conversation, given that Redwood Shores is separated from Redwood City, and the volunteer members of RSCA work to bring community matters to our governmental officials’ attention, as well as develop programs and projects for the betterment of the Shores neighborhood.

One question you may have is: what’s in it for me to leave the comfort of my home to go to a community meeting? Is this not just a bunch of city policy & procedure talk?

The RSCA Annual Community Meeting is run differently and is designed to give the Shores community access to understand or inquire about this neighborhood. At this meeting, the School District and City officials will be present to answer any questions you may have, face to face. Members of Redwood City Public Works, Fire, Police, and City Council will be present to listen to you and provide answers to your concerns. There will also be members of CERT (the Community Emergency Response Team) filling people in about safety in the Shores, and many other local organizations will be there to help you become aware of or get involved with their projects. 

Our expansive guest list includes the following organizations and representatives:

  • Members of all departments in the City of Redwood City
  • Redwood City Fire Officers
  • Redwood City Police Officers
  • City Council Board members
  • Representatives from the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District and Carlmont High School
  • California Wildlife representatives (to answer questions about wildlife in our neighborhood, including updates about coyote migration issues)
  • National Audubon Society representatives
  • Silicon Valley Clean Water representatives
  • San Mateo County representatives
  • RSCA Board Members

More attendees are being added, so check back for more information.

The Redwood Shores Community Association has been in place for over 50 years, working to keep Redwood Shores a great place to live and work. If you enjoy living in the Shores the hope is you will come to the Annual Meeting to learn more of what is happening in the Shores now and in the future.

Wednesday, February 5th, 2025, 6:30 PM,
at the Redwood Shores Branch Library

If you are willing to help the Shores community by becoming a board member, please contact .

Please note that “C” stands for Community, and RSCA’s board of directors volunteer their time and talents to support the interests and well-being of everyone in, and all areas of, the Shores. Whether you rent or own residential or commercial property in Redwood Shores, RSCA requests your annual membership contribution of $45 to support RSCA’s plans, services, advocacy efforts and events. We are so grateful for the members who have already supported our organization for the past year (and especially those who paid online as it really cuts down our administrative work), and we hope to dramatically increase our membership as we continue to enjoy the beauty and benefits of being in the Redwood Shores area. All the info about how to become a member is on, and membership can be paid online or through the mail. Also, if you are not on our email list, join the RSCA email list to receive community messages between mailings of The PILOT. If you’d like more information or to get involved with RSCA’s many community activities, contact .

Thank you for your support, and come say hello to RSCA by visiting our table when you are at this year’s Annual Meeting!