Santa Comes to the Shores

Santa will be in Redwood Shores to greet everyone on December 9th from 1-3PM, so come out with your family to the Redwood Shores Library and meet Santa!

Bring your cameras to capture magical moments of your children on Santa’s lap while sharing their requests. Mingle with your neighbors, hum along to the Christmas Carols played on the piano, and enjoy a crafts project with the Library staff while waiting your turn to see Santa.

Sunday, December 9, 1:00-3:00pm

at the Redwood Shores Library

Don’t be late! The line to see Santa can be long, and Santa is a very busy man this time of year! (Families will be given a number based on arrival for their place in line, and we will do our best to get everybody through to Santa but there may have to be a cut-off point where we cannot give out any more numbers to see Santa before the event closes; you are still welcome to enjoy the arts in the meantime.)

The PILOT: November 2018

Below is this month’s issue of The PILOT, published in it’s entirety on the RSCA website. To get a complete view of this month’s issue that is easy to read on your screen, please choose the “Fullscreen” option at the top of the viewer — from there, you can click on the left or right of each page to thumb through the various pages.

All of the software needed to view this web-based version of The PILOT should be linked below if it is not already installed on your web browser, and you can also download or print the PDF document for use away from the computer. If you are having trouble viewing this document on your cellphone, tablet or computer, please contact the RSCA website team.

The PILOT — November 2018

Click to view The PILOT full-screen

November is Disaster Preparedness Month

In addition to being the advocate for issues affecting Shores residents and businesses, RSCA is dedicated to helping everyone stay safe and prepared for possible disasters or emergencies.

There are some safety issues unique to the Shores and residents should be aware and plan ahead to stay safe. The November edition of The PILOT includes some helpful tips. For many years, RSCA has provided each household with a RED/GREEN Disaster Signal Card designed to help emergency responders quickly assess who needs immediate help and who is OK. Again this year, it is printed on the back cover and inside back cover of this PILOT.

Keep this card where you can locate it quickly!

Also keep tape nearby so that you can quickly put it where it can be seen clearly from the street. This may be in a front window or on your front or garage door depending on the layout of your particular neighborhood. Especially if you need assistance, this card will help you get the quickest response. The card should not be displayed year-round.

“Show Your Cards” Drill on November 17th!

On Saturday, November 17th local CERT members will gather with RCFD Emergency Preparedness Outreach Coordinator, Christy Adonis to conduct a “windshield survey” looking for the GREEN/OK cards displayed where they can be seen from the street. “Show Your Cards” on November 17th to show your awareness of Shores issues and that you are reading The PILOT, and show support for the CERT program that is in transition from Redwood City and San Carlos to San Mateo County.

With changes in city leadership and uncertainty about further public safety cut-backs, it is more important than ever for Shores residents to know how to prepare their homes and families for disaster. Suggestions and checklists are included in the November edition of The PILOT to help you prepare for a range of situations. Please take the time to read, plan and make sure that your family, friends, neighbors and colleagues are safe and prepared.

Halloween Walk 2018

Thanks everybody for coming out to the 2018 Halloween Walk. We’ll see you again next year!

Bring your kids in their Halloween costumes to Marlin Park on Saturday October 27th, 1:30 PM sharp for a spooky good time in the park.

Trick Or Treat

We’ll have treats for the little ones, so bring a goodie bag/bucket!

** Event Ends at 2:30pm **

And PARENTS, don’t forget your cameras for photo opportunities with the Good Witch.

RSCA holds this event each year for Shores children elementary school age and under.

It’s easy work and lots of fun to watch our children enjoy their “dress-up” time in Marlin Park. Your help will be greatly appreciated!

Meet the Candidates for City Council of Redwood City

Thursday, October 4th, 6:30 – 8:00pm
at the Sandpiper School

Please join us on Thursday, October 4th at 6:30pm in the multi-use room at the Sandpiper School to meet the candidates for your City Council of Redwood City. Come out to talk about issues facing the City and of concern to our Redwood Shores community.

There are seven (7) candidates vying for the three (3) open city council seats. In alphabetical order, they are:

  • Jason Galisatus
  • Giselle Hale
  • Diane Howard (Incumbent)
  • Rick Hunter
  • Diana Reddy
  • Ernie Schmidt
  • Christina Umhofer

Candidate Information can be found here:

This candidate event is intended to provide time for you to meet and greet the candidates one-on-one. And don’t forget:


If you’re not already a registered voter, simply go to the
San Mateo County Assessor Clerk Recorder of Elections’ website at where you can register AND get information about this November’s election, candidates, ballot measures, and how to vote.

The PILOT: October 2018

Below is this month’s issue of The PILOT, published in it’s entirety on the RSCA website. To get a complete view of this month’s issue that is easy to read on your screen, please choose the “Fullscreen” option at the top of the viewer — from there, you can click on the left or right of each page to thumb through the various pages.

All of the software needed to view this web-based version of The PILOT should be linked below if it is not already installed on your web browser, and you can also download or print the PDF document for use away from the computer. If you are having trouble viewing this document on your cellphone, tablet or computer, please contact the RSCA website team.

The PILOT — October 2018

Click to view The PILOT full-screen

Public Meeting for San Carlos Airport

(The following notice of an upcoming public meeting potentially of interest to Redwood Shores residents is from the San Carlos Airport.)

The San Carlos Airport has scheduled a public hearing for the FAA funded Part 150 Noise Study (Study) on Wednesday, September 26, 2018 from 6:00 PM until 7:30 PM at the Hiller Aviation Museum. Public comments will be received on the Study until October 12, 2018. The hearing is a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Part 150 Noise Study requirement. Following the public comment period and FAA review, the Study will be presented to the County Board of Supervisors.

The draft San Carlos Airport Noise Study documents can be viewed on the following website: 

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program Transition Meetings & Survey

(The following was provided by the City of Redwood City)

Along with the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Adopted Budget, the City Council approved the transition to a shared service approach with San Mateo County for the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program to reduce costs to the city, increase efficiency, and potentially share costs of the program with other agencies in the County in the future. The County currently provides CERT training using the same curriculum as Redwood City; however, the County has expressed interest in collaborating with the City of Redwood City to create a CERT Coordinator position. The new position would focus solely on the CERT program.

In an effort to engage CERT volunteers and community members around this transition, the City of Redwood City is hosting a series of meetings to receive input/feedback on the future of the CERT program. Additionally the City has launched an online survey to gain input on the CERT program and the proposed County CERT position transition. Three meetings were conducted in August. (You can click here to read the Redwood City/San Carlos CERT Community Input Meetings Notes report.)

The next round of community meetings will take place on:

Tuesday, September 25th from 6 – 7:30pm
at the Veterans Memorial Senior Center
1455 Madison Ave., Redwood City

Thursday, September 27th from 6 – 7:30pm
at the Redwood Shores Library
399 Marine Parkway

The CERT Program Survey is available online on the Redwood City Fire Department home page.

The City of Redwood City appreciates your input and information gained will help further develop the new County CERT program.