The following message is of important note to Redwood Shores residents concerning our local waterways and wildlife. As some residents may be aware from local news reports, ducks in the Redwood Shores area are suffering from a spread of Cholera. Representatives from RSCA have been speaking to authorities on the situation, and will follow up with information that affects our community. The following is a statement from the South Bayside System Authority about the situation:
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Confirms Avian Cholera Killed 200 Ducks; Update on What Drainage of SBSA Pond Means to Area
Draining the pond, known as a landscape impoundment, is proceeding, but with it comes another potential big problem – odors. With several inches of bird excrement on the bottom of the area and the water removed, officials expect there will be odors. On top of that, the weather in the area is expected to be record setting warm this week – which potentially could greatly “enhance” the odors. Depending on wind direction, the odors could impact Redwood Shores neighbors. The wastewater facility is at 1400 Radio Road in southeast Redwood Shores.
“To mitigate what we can, we have heavy equipment ordered and coming in to try and keep the area as fresh as possible, but it is going to smell,” SBSA Manager Dan Child said.
The pond was created in 1998 on the west side of the treatment plant to eliminate dust from the dry barren dirt in the area. The pond is kept fresh by a flow of recycled water from the treatment facility to replace water lost by evaporation and by allowing a certain amount to overflow back to the treatment plant. Peak water flow to the pond in the hot season can reach over 100,000 gallons per day of water from the recycled water system.
It will take a few months for the drained pond to dry out before it can be refilled, Child said. It is too early to be more definitive with a timeline.