Here’s a reminder that the 23rd Annual Redwood City Mayor’s Beautification Recognition Program is underway, and the deadline for nominations is quickly approaching!
You’re invited to nominate your own (or someone else’s!) project to be recognized by the Redwood City Mayor and City Council – categories include best architectural design; best remodel; best historical restoration; most beautiful garden or landscape; best compatible building and garden or landscape; or any other category that you might think of.
Redwood City residents, non-profit organizations, and businesses can show their civic pride by submitting nominations. Individuals, homeowners associations, apartment complexes, businesses, non-profits, and others are all eligible. Applications are available online at , by visiting City Hall (1017 Middlefield Road), or by calling 780-7300. The deadline for entries is May 27th, 2011, and screening/review of all nominations will be completed by mid-August. Recognition Awards will be presented at a City Council meeting in September.
The purpose of this program, sponsored by the City’s Pride and Beautification Committee, is to encourage the efforts of community members in beautifying and improving their homes, buildings, and properties, and to publicly acknowledge and recognize their pride in being part of the Redwood City community.
It’s an easy and fun way to foster civic pride in the Redwood City community, beautify the entire City, and, of course, honor people and organizations for their work to make Redwood City a better, more attractive place to live and work.
So…take a look around your neighborhood, and find a property to nominate — or nominate your own!