Project Homekey Follow-Up & Questions

Since learning about the Project Homekey Proposal in early November, the Redwood Shores Community Association has offered our community information, and asked many questions of San Mateo County leaders, about the plans affecting our community.
Following is an article written for the December PILOT, along with our list of questions, as of yet unanswered.  We will continue to update the community as the county shares information and provides clarity.

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Scouting for Food: November 21st, 2020 9am – 12pm

This year, more than any other time in recent memory, our community needs your help feeding deserving families. Food banks are reporting significant shortages and outsized demand.

The Boy Scouts of America are here to help and will be gathering donations throughout Redwood Shores on Saturday, November 21, from 9am to 12pm.

For your safety and convenience, we will be providing contactless pickup and drop off options for your donations. Simply leave your non-perishable food donations in bags in a clearly visible location outside your house by 9am on Saturday, November 21 or drop off by 12pm to the Scouts at Marlin Park.

We accept any unexpired non-perishable food items such as canned goods, pasta and rice. We cannot accept expired food, baked goods, refrigerated items or items in damaged packages.

Last year, we collected and donated almost one ton of non-perishable food items to local food banks. This year, we need your help to do even better for our Redwood Shores community!

Share Your Traditions, Celebrations & Festivities

Redwood Shores Community Association (RSCA) recognizes how important it is to celebrate each other and the uniqueness of our community. In the spirit of bringing joy, awareness and happiness to our community, RSCA invites residents to upload details and photos of their family traditions, celebrations, festivities and decor, including entries in the Light Up The Shores Contest:

Click here to upload your photos for the contest.

We may feature these in future editions of The PILOT.
Thank you for your participation and support!

RSCA Pumpkin Decorating Contest

Whether you carve it, paint it, or disguise it, you’re encouraged to participate in the Pumpkin Decorating Contest sponsored by your Redwood Shores Community Association (RSCA). As you prepare for Halloween by setting up your spooky decorations for this beloved fall holiday, snap some photos to share with community members!  Shores residents can  click here to submit pumpkin photos. RSCA members will be entered in a drawing to win a prize for their efforts, and will be notified in November.  We can’t wait to see your creations!

(If you need to verify your membership status or contribute your annual $45 dues, please login to or contact .)

Redwood Shores Cleanup

RSCA’s Annual Levee Cleanup Event has a new look this year.

We are pleased to announce the Redwood Shores Cleanup!  This will be a week long event, from August 22nd to August 29th, 2020 to get out and explore your neighborhood or another part of the Shores, and help keep it a beautiful place to live and work.  Please bring a bag, wear sturdy walking shoes, sunscreen, face covering and gloves, as you wander the Shores and pick up trash. Continue reading

Preventing Mail Theft in RWS

In recent weeks, Redwood Shores has seen a rise in mail theft in our neighborhood. Other than stimulus checks and tax refunds, thieves are typically looking for mail with any personally identifiable information such as names, date of birth, financial statements, account numbers, and social security numbers.

What Can I Do to Prevent Mail Theft?

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101 Express Lanes Project Update

Hwy 101 Construction Update – Week of June 14th  
Construction activities on U.S. 101 will include: continued work on the sound walls along Bayshore Boulevard (from Newbridge Avenue to just past Dakota Avenue, from Monte Diablo Avenue to Dore Avenue, and from Dore Avenue to East Poplar Avenue), demolition of the sound wall along South Bayshore Boulevard from 2nd Avenue to Monte Diablo Avenue, all within the City of San Mateo; pile driving; installing storm drainage systems, a new sewer system, and sign foundations; paving; electrical service work; and other related construction activities.  Most of the work will occur on the freeway lanes, shoulders, and ramps, while the sound wall and sewer work will occur on city streets adjacent to U.S. 101. More information is provided below. 

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101 Express Lanes Project Update

Caltrans is constructing express lanes on U.S. 101 from the Santa Clara/San Mateo County line to I-380 in South San Francisco. Construction is expected to be completed in 2022.
Construction Update – Week of April 26
Construction activities on U.S. 101 will include; continued work on the sound walls on Bayshore Boulevard in San Mateo (both from Newbridge Avenue to just past Dakota Avenue and from Dore Avenue to East Poplar Avenue), removing guard rails, installing temporary lighting, traffic signals on ramps, temporary detour signs, temporary traffic detectors, electrical service work, drainage systems, a new sewer system, and other related construction activities. Most of the work will occur on the freeway lanes, shoulders, and ramps, while the sound wall and sewer work will occur on city streets adjacent to U.S. 101.
Freeway Lane Closures: Nightly freeway lane closures will occur on northbound and southbound U.S. 101 from 7:00 p.m. to 5:30 a.m., Sunday through Thursday nights. Due to low traffic volumes, project related traffic delays are anticipated to be minimal. Caltrans will continue to monitor traffic delays and adjust as necessary.
Freeway Ramp Closures: Temporary ramp closures will occur during the night in/near Redwood City, San Carlos, Belmont, San Mateo, Foster City, Burlingame, Millbrae, San Bruno, and South San Francisco, and during the day in San Mateo. Ramp closures could occur on both the northbound and southbound directions of the freeway. However, consecutive interchanges for northbound and southbound ramps will not be closed at the same time.
Nighttime ramp closures:
  • Will be displayed at changeable message signs within the construction zone
  • will last three to ten hours
  • will begin after 7:00 p.m. and reopen by 6:00 a.m.
  • will have detour signs posted
Short-term nighttime ramp closures are possible this week (Sunday though Thursday night) at the following locations near Redwood City:
  • Eastbound/Westbound Whipple Avenue On Ramp
  • Northbound/Southbound Whipple Avenue Off Ramp
  • Northbound Holly Street Off Ramp
  • Eastbound/Westbound Holly Street On Ramp
For a full list of closures, click here.
For questions during construction, contact the Caltrans Public Information Officer: Alejandro Lopez at (510) 286-4948 or .