Committee to Review Impact of Biotech Development in RWS

A Large Development is Being Planned for Redwood Shores — Here’s a Recap and Invitation to Provide Feedback on the Impacts of Development in Redwood Shores

RedwoodLIFE/Longfellow hosted two community Zoom meetings in mid-June to present plans to redevelop the existing office and technology park along Marine Parkway for life sciences. Community members participated in a Q&A regarding the vision and brought up environmental, traffic, housing and construction traffic, noise, dust and debris concerns following the presentation.

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Community Meeting About Project Homekey on 5-19-2021

Review the recorded community meeting that Redwood Shores Community Association (RSCA) hosted on Wednesday, May 19th @ 7pm with MidPen Housing and the Project Homekey team related to the status of residency and operations at the site formerly known as TownePlace Suites, and newly renamed Shores Landing.

Here is the housing meeting recording.

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Biotech Development in RWS

Redwood Shores Community Association (RSCA) has several concerns about the Biotech Development Proposal for Bridge Parkway and Island Drive

(1) Environmental: Prior to construction of the current technology park, the site was used as a municipal waste landfill from the 1940’s until 1970. When the toxic waste site was first considered for development of the Westport Office Park we learned that it contained the toxic materials from nearby tech companies, including Varian Semiconductor and Varian Medical Systems located in San Carlos at the time. At the end of the toxic waste site’s useful life a clay cap was applied with the recommendation that it not be penetrated, which is why the buildings are only a few levels due to concern of breaking the cap. This site had been considered a Superfund Site, and residences were not permitted in the development. The site is safe as it is now. Demolishing a technology park that has an abundance of office space that is attractive, contemporary and minimal in terms of height, a desirable aspect in an area that is primarily residential, is beyond wasteful in terms of construction debris contributing to overburdened landfill. The majority of the existing buildings can be utilized with possible renovation of lab buildings due to their utility infrastructure needs. The proposed Amenity Center to include restaurants and shops along with green spaces are very attractive, but it seems that that can be accomplished with minimal, if any, teardown in that area. Within the current technology park there are ample existing areas for additional open space improvements. Given on-going and worsening drought conditions, as well as the recent Bay Area Water Supply & Conservation Agency (BAWSCA) report expressing concern for Redwood City due to our dependence on the Regional Water System and in light of increases in housing and business water needs, it is difficult to justify this project.
(2) Traffic: Our traffic concerns comprise both traffic in the Shores as well as Hwy 101, which is often congested and grid-locked, and will worsen with the biotech projects built and planned for the east side of San Carlos. There is also a good deal of traffic associated with the numerous companies along Twin Dolphin Drive, as well as Oracle on Marine World Pkwy; our understanding is that Oracle is staying in the towers. Related to traffic is parking. The required number of parking spaces for the project is 9,784 and the number proposed is 7,188. While the plan is going to have the required EV, carpool, motorcycle, bike, ADA and visitor spaces and mentions a comprehensive transportation demand management program, it comes at the expense of 2,596 standard parking spaces. If the goal is to draw the community to the amenities and open spaces, where is the community supposed to park? What are the specifics of the “comprehensive transportation program”? It is unclear as to the need for a hotel as part of the project; between the Pullman (Twin Dolphin Drive), Hyatt House (near Autobahn Motors), Homewood and SpringHill Suites (both on Shoreway Road), Fairfield Inn (Skyway Road), Residence Inn (Industrial off Holly Street), it seems that there is an abundance of hotel rooms, many of them brand new, in the area within a few miles.
(3) Safety: The addition of thousands of employees and guests to the heavily populated mix of residents and workers already in the Shores further burdens our over-stressed personnel and services. In the event of an emergency or major disaster, vital personnel and services will not be able reach the Shores in a timely manner due to traffic gridlock and as there are only two ways in and out via freeway overpasses. The absence of the CERT program in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic and recent incidents of wildfires, power outages, and record- setting heat waves continues to be a major concern as well. RSCA is disappointed by the lack of communication leading up to and upon submittal of the plans to the City. Our community learned of the biotech complex being proposed via newspapers and social media. There is wide-ranging concern that the project has not been well thought out in terms of the negative impacts to the Shores, especially residential communities between Bridge and Shell on both sides of Marine Parkway.
This project is a prime example of why Redwood Shores Community Association formed 50 years ago, and continues to advocate for the quality of life for Shores residents and businesses. Other concerned Shores residents are encouraged to consider volunteering their time to RSCA and contacting the City Council and planning departments regarding this project.

Shores Safety Meeting

Review the recorded safety meeting that Redwood Shores Community Association (RSCA) hosted on Wednesday, March 3rd @ 7pm with Redwood City Police Officers highlighting safety issues such as Traffic (speeding/not stopping), Theft (mail/packages from porch/car break-ins), Trespassing (fishing/trapping/littering), and questions from residents.

Here is the safety meeting recording.
Here is the presentation from Officer Castro.

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Project Homekey Community Meeting — May 19th

Project Homekey Community Zoom Meeting Wednesday May 19th at 7pm
Redwood Shores Community Association members have already met with MidPen Housing to discuss operations of the Homekey program in Redwood Shores, and invites interested Shores residents to join a kick-off community meeting in May. Please see page 10 of the April edition of The PILOT for an introduction to the property management organization. MidPen Housing is asking for input from Shores community members about the future name of the site. Send name suggestions for the property to by mid-April. For more information, please visit

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Shores Safety Meeting

Redwood Shores Community Association (RSCA) invites you to a virtual meeting on Wednesday, March 3rd @ 7pm with Redwood City Police Officers highlighting safety issues such as Traffic (speeding/not stopping), Theft (mail/packages from porch/car break-ins), Trespassing (fishing/trapping/littering), and questions from residents (as time allows). Continue reading

RSCA’s Light Up The Shores 2020

This winter, Redwood Shores Community Association (RSCA) invited Shores residents to tell us about their family traditions, festivities, and decorations.  While our community is understandably preoccupied with new routines caused by the pandemic, we were happy to see so many residents participate in our annual Light Up The Shores tradition that brings joy to neighbors. Here is a slideshow made from the photos that were submitted.
A gift will be sent to the RSCA Members who submitted an entry.  We thank everyone who puts in an effort to beautify our community.

RSCA’s Light Up the Shores 2020 Slideshow


Notes About Fishing in Redwood Shores

Notes About Fishing in Redwood Shores

The Redwood City Police Department frequently recieves calls for service as well as expressions of concern from residents about fishing and, more particularly, commercial trapping, in the Redwood Shores area. In an effort to help everyone better understand the legalities of fishing and trapping in the Shores, RCPD provided this information on what is and is not allowed on Shores lands.

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Project Homekey Status: RFQ Released

Since learning about the Project Homekey Proposal in early November, RSCA has offered our community information, and asked many questions of San Mateo County leaders, about the plans affecting our community.
Following is an update printed in the January 2021 PILOT, including links to the RFQ and some answers provided by SMC. We will continue to update the community as the county shares information and provides clarity.

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