Update for 63-inch Pipeline in Redwood Shores

The following message from Silicon Valley Clean Water was shared with RSCA in order to inform residents about an issue that affects Redwood Shores residents.



Geotechnical Investigations Set for July 16-17

Consultants for Silicon Valley Clean Water on Wednesday and Thursday, July 16 and July 17, will be conducting preliminary geotechnical investigations in the locations described and shown below.

The work, called cone penetrometer tests, involves a truck parked on the pavement for about an hour, sometime between 7 am and 5 pm. In some locations if a lane is blocked, traffic control will be provided to direct traffic around the truck.

The truck has equipment that will push a rod down into the ground to depths of up to 120 feet in order to gather information about the ground so that engineers can confirm if a deep tunnel is feasible.

The geotechnical investigation is part of investigating the feasibility of replacing SVCW pipelines without surface disruption through Redwood Shores.

The six locations are:

  • C-1 Shearwater Parkway between Breakwater Drive and Mindano Drive.
  • C-2 Redwood City Reservoir near Avocet Drive.
  • C-3 Shell Parkway between Marine Parkway and Davit Lane.
  • C-5 End of Spar Drive.
  • C-7 Twin Dolphin Drive between Shoreline Drive and Lagoon Drive.
  • C-10 off of Whipple Avenue near E. Bayshore Road.

How To Stay in Touch
Let us send you electronic updates to your email – send us your email to "> and ask for 63-inch Pipeline Project Updates.

Follow our blog at the Redwood City-Woodside Patch: http://redwoodcity-woodside.patch.com/blogs/sbsa-wastewater-facility 
Log on onto the SVCW website and follow updates.
Silicon Valley Clean Water
1400 Radio Road
Redwood City, CA 94065
Phone: 650-591-7121

SVCW provides wastewater services to residents and businesses in Redwood City, San Carlos, Belmont, and West Bay Sanitary District.

PG&E Open House

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) will be holding an Open House for the Shores community to answer questions about their upgrade work on our local gas distribution infrastructure.

Join PG&E this Wednesday, May 14th, 2014
5 to 7 p.m.
Redwood Shores Library
399 Marine Parkway

The current work is part of a system-wide program to enhance the safety and reliability of our natural gas lines that deliver natural gas to you, your neighbors home and local businesses.

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Special Shores City Council Session

A reminder that the City Council of Redwood City is holding a Special Session & Town Hall Meeting, May 5th, 7:00pm at our Redwood Shores Library.

There are NO formal agenda items or action items for this special session. This is your opportunity to address the City Council and ask questions regarding City business.

The goal of this Special Session is to make the Council more accessible to City residents and enable residents to speak directly to the Council and share their thoughts about our community. You are invited to come and speak with your City leadership and to listen to the concerns of your neighbors.

You can see the agenda for this “town hall” meeting by clicking this link: City Council Special Session Agenda for May 5

Please join your neighbors this evening at the Shores Library, 7:00pm.

Redwood Shores Construction Alert

The following message has been shared with RSCA regarding road work being done in the Marlin Park area of Redwood Shores. Residents in the affected areas should have received this message in a letter, but for those outside the region or visiting this area, please be aware of work being done that may affect access or may be disruptive with noise. 

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SVCW Pipeline Replacement Project Meetings

For those not able to attended the Redwood Shores Annual Meeting on February 12th, RSCA would like to bring to your attention this series of meetings regarding an issue that will significantly affect our neighborhood.


Silicon Valley Clean Water (SVCW; formerly South Bayside System Authority) is in the planning stages of replacing an aging wastewater pipeline segement that runs from the San Carlos airport area to the treatment facility in southeastern Redwood Shores.

Join us at one of these meetings at SVCW’s (SBSA’s) administrative offices:
1400 Radio Road, Redwood Shores

  • Wed. March 5th at 3 P.M. (with optional tour)
  • Wed. March 5th at 7 P.M.
  • Sat. March 8th at 10 A.M. (with optional tour)
  • Wed. March 12th at 3 P.M. (with optional tour)
  • Wed. March 12th at 7 P.M.

The meetings will share information about possible locations for the new pipeline and provide an opportunity for community members to share input. This is also an opportunity to take a tour from your wastewater treatment plant (daytime meetings only.)

SVSW officials are studying possible locations for the new 63-inch-diameter pipeline with the goal of identifying the route with the least disruption to the Redwood Shores community and the most long-term benefit to the community. We are seeking input on the possible locations. Whichever location is chosen, construction would begin in mid- to late-2015.

Redwood Shores 2014 Annual Meeting

February 12, 2014, 7:00 pm
at the Redwood Shores Library
399 Marine Pky at Bridge Pky (click for a map)

Join RSCA for its Annual Meeting and get the latest update on “The State of the Shores”.

Our guests will include Redwood City Mayor (and Shores resident) Jeff Gee and Vice-Mayor (and former Shores resident) Rosanne Foust to talk about the State of the City and the State of the Shores.

You will also have the opportunity to meet Dr. Michael Milliken, the new Superintendent of the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District.

You may not be aware, but this past November San Mateo County re-drew the boundaries of the County’s Supervisor Districts. Redwood Shores was moved from District 3 into District 4, and you can meet our “new-to-us” District 4 Supervisor Warren Slocum.

There will also be updated and new information on two big issues facing the Shores in the next year. First is the continuing problems caused by the older trees along the Shores parkways. The City will have maps showing the trees that will need to be removed and will be looking for input on how to phase the work over the next few years.

The South Bayside System Authority (SBSA) is the wastewater treatment plant on the Bay at the end of the Shores. SBSA is also the source of the recycled water that is being used to water landscaping in the Shores. SBSA has an old wastewater pipe running under the Shores that needs to be replaced and will be looking for input on the best route for the new pipe.

We try to end our Annual Meeting around 8:15pm so that you have time to ask questions or talk with our guests about issues of particular interest to you.

(RSCA will also elect its new Board of Directors.)


Come early and enjoy a special concert featuring several of our young Shores piano students.

RSCA provided initial and matching funds for the purchase of the grand piano that now graces RWS Library’s Community Room, and we are proud of this addition to our community library. We are pleased to take this opportunity to showcase the talents of just a few of the gifted young people who are able to take lessons on this wonderful instrument.

News on Duck Cholera & Pond Drainage

The following message is of important note to Redwood Shores residents concerning our local waterways and wildlife. As some residents may be aware from local news reports, ducks in the Redwood Shores area are suffering from a spread of Cholera. Representatives from RSCA have been speaking to authorities on the situation, and will follow up with information that affects our community. The following is a statement from the South Bayside System Authority about the situation:


SBSA News Alert
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Confirms Avian Cholera Killed 200 Ducks; Update on What Drainage of SBSA Pond Means to Area
Drainage of the South Bayside System Authority’s popular bird-watching pond in Redwood City is underway. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service today confirmed the cause of death of 200 ducks as avian cholera.

Draining the pond, known as a landscape impoundment, is proceeding, but with it comes another potential big problem – odors. With several inches of bird excrement on the bottom of the area and the water removed, officials expect there will be odors. On top of that, the weather in the area is expected to be record setting warm this week – which potentially could greatly “enhance” the odors. Depending on wind direction, the odors could impact Redwood Shores neighbors. The wastewater facility is at 1400 Radio Road in southeast Redwood Shores.

“To mitigate what we can, we have heavy equipment ordered and coming in to try and keep the area as fresh as possible, but it is going to smell,” SBSA Manager Dan Child said.

The pond was created in 1998 on the west side of the treatment plant to eliminate dust from the dry barren dirt in the area. The pond is kept fresh by a flow of recycled water from the treatment facility to replace water lost by evaporation and by allowing a certain amount to overflow back to the treatment plant. Peak water flow to the pond in the hot season can reach over 100,000 gallons per day of water from the recycled water system.

It will take a few months for the drained pond to dry out before it can be refilled, Child said. It is too early to be more definitive with a timeline.

Show Your Cards on Disaster Preparedness Day

Sunday, November 24th

For our third year in a row, the Redwood City Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) in co-operation with Redwood Shores Community Association (RSCA) will be conducting a Emergency Drill on Sunday, November 24th.

On that day, we ask residents to display the RED/GREEN signal cards that were distributed each of the past two years to every household via the Pilot. CERT teams will survey all of Redwood and Belmont Shores looking for those cards.

The Disaster Signal Card allows residents to signal for help when landline telephone, cell phone and online communications are not working. This tool for Redwood Shores will improve the ability of first responders such as fire and police departments as well as our Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) to quickly identify homes in need of help.

Redwood Shores Disaster Signal Card

Redwood Shores Disaster Signal Card

The CERT teams are made up of Redwood City volunteers who have been trained in First Aid and Disaster Procedures. In an actual disaster, those teams would be looking for homes in distress. Homes that displayed a green card would be helping by allowing the teams to quickly move on.

Please help to prepare for a disaster by showing your card so that we can help you. Put them in your front window so they are visible from the street!

If you are new to Redwood Shores this year, you can request a Disaster Signal Card by sending an email to with your name and address. Please include the date that you moved into your new home.

Video from the Belmont-Redwood Shores School Board Candidate Forum

Hosted on Monday, September 23, 2013, this public forum was held by RSCA and the Belmont-Redwood Shores PTA in order to allow the community to get to know the candidates running for BRS School Board positions this November.

RSCA has posted a video of the event for residents who were not able to attend as well as those who were in attendance and would like a second look at this year’s seven candidates. The forum video runs through the opening statements and all questions asked to the candidates; due to technical difficulties, certain candidates’ closing statements were not available for this video and so all closing statements have been omitted from this posting to be fair to all the participants.

All candidates on the ballot were able to participate in this event. Candidates were seated according to randomized numbers; the names of those candidates are listed in the same order below (from left to right) to help you identify who is speaking throughout the presentation.

* Naomi Nishimoto
* Kelly Redmon
* Rakesh Hegde
* Chuck Velschow
* Amy Koo
* Survarna Bhopale
* Herb Neuman M.D.

Our moderator for the evening was Jim Hartnett a former mayor and city council member of Redwood City.

Thank you to all of the candidates for attending, thank you Mr. Hartnett for moderating the panel, and thank you for your interest in this important Belmont & Redwood Shores event.

School Board Candidate Forum

The Redwood Shores Community Association together with the Belmont Redwood Shores PTA council are sponsoring a public forum with the prospective school board candidates that are up for election in November.

Come and meet the candidates to hear their plans for the future of our school district. The candidates running for election are:

Survarna Bhopale
Rakesh Hegde
Amy Koo
Herb Neuman M.D.
Naomi Nishimoto
Kelly Redmon
Chuck Velschow

The forum will be held at Nesbit Elementary at 500 Biddulph Way in Belmont Ca 94002. It will start at 7 P.M on Monday, September 23rd.