Show Your Cards for Disaster Preparedness on November 16th!

Each year in November, RSCA promotes safety preparedness with the Emergency Preparedness Month. You can read this month’s issue of The PILOT for a number of tips and recommendations to ready your home and your family in case of a sudden disaster. 
As part of Emergency Preparedness Month, RSCA also provides all homes and businesses in Redwood Shores with a RED/GREEN Disaster Signal Card designed to help emergency responders quickly assess who needs immediate help and who is OK, in a disaster scenario, and for use in drills occasionally.  This year, it was printed in the center page of The PILOT, so you can tear it out and keep it (…and hopefully never need the red side). Please keep this card where you can locate it quickly. Also keep tape nearby so that you can quickly put it where it can be seen clearly from the street. This may be in a front window or on your front or garage door depending on the layout of your particular neighborhood. If you need assistance, this card will help get the quickest response. The card should not be displayed year-round.
“Show Your Cards” Drill on November 16th!
On Saturday, November 16th, RSCA and local volunteers will be running a drill to practice home checks of card use.

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RSCA Membership: Renew or Activate Today

Whether you rent or own, live or work in Redwood Shores, if you want to keep the Shores a GREAT place to live and work, we ask that you renew your membership every year. If you are not yet a member, please get connected with your neighborhood and join now!

By now you have received RSCA’s letter for the 2024/2025 Annual Membership.  As mentioned in the letter, RSCA is a nonprofit organization which has supported the entire Redwood Shores community for over 50 years through advocacy, information, community meetings, social and family event, and so much more. Please help us continue to do so by lending your support.  

RSCA Membership Button - Click now for Membership

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Shores History Collection & Historic Walk

Redwood Shores Community Association (RSCA) has served Shores residents, businesses and visitors for over 50 years.  As our anniversary approaches, we are building a database of historical information to celebrate the uniqueness of our community.

Take the Redwood Shores Historic Walk

To help you learn more about Redwood Shores’ past and present, RSCA created a Historic Walk that takes you to various scenic and historic spots in the neighborhood. This self-guided two-mile walk is accessible by foot or bicycle (or car, although not every spot has available parking.)

Redwood Shores Historic Walk Map - Click to read the history and view the locations on Google Maps

You can log into the Redwood Shores Historic Walk link for Google Maps on your phone and take the tour with your mobile device. This digital, guided map will take you through each of the nine spots marked as relevant to the history of the Shores. At each point, you will find a short history lesson as well as archival photos which help tell of how Redwood Shores developed. There are also a few “Bonus Views” of spots to explore if you’re feeling like stretching your legs even further.

View the Redwood Shores Historic Walk in a larger map

On select weekends of the year, you can also look for signboards marking these points of interest for Redwood Shores. Nine signboards in total mark the various points on Bridge Parkway, Marine Parkway, Marlin Park, Davit Lane, and Shell Parkway. 

Printed copies of the Redwood Shores Historic Walk are often available at the Redwood Shores Branch Library.

Add Your Story to the History Archive

RSCA also invites residents to contribute to the Redwood Shores History Archive. You can provide historical details or photos about your HOA, or share memories from years spent living, working or visiting Redwood Shores.

Click here to submit historical information and photos.

(We may feature these in future editions of The PILOT.)

Thank you for your participation and support!

Redwood LIFE Project September Meeting

Proposals for the Redwood LIFE office complex campus in Redwood Shores continue to develop, and the City of Redwood City and the project management team at Longfellow are continuing to gain insight from the community for this project. If you would like to voice your opinions on the project, there is an upcoming opportunity to provide feedback.

Redwood Life Community Workshop
September 5th at 5:30-7:30pm
Redwood Shores Branch Public Library

A number of local community events have previously been held over the course of the proposal project, and this will be the first of these to be able to address results from the recent Community Survey, as well as build off of discussion and feedback of the most prior Community Workshop, which was held on May 15th. Attendees will be able to collaboratively brainstorm about the proposal and proposed alternatives to the Longfellow development project. 

Redwood LIFE Project July Update

Proposals for the Redwood LIFE office complex campus in Redwood Shores continue to develop, and the City of Redwood City and the project management team at Longfellow are continuing to gain insight from the community for this project. If you would like to voice your opinions on the project, there are two opportunities to provide feedback.

The Community Survey for the Redwood Life Precise Plan and EIR has extended its closure date to August 30th. This is the easiest and most direct way to provide feedback online about the project and draft development principles. Simply click the link above and follow the process through to submit your thoughts (in text and in topical checkboxes, whichever you feel most comfortable providing in the anonymous survey form) on issues and benefits of the proposal.

Additionally, an additional Community Workshop has been scheduled for in-person discussion about the project.

Redwood Life Community Workshop
September 5th at 5:30-7:30pm
Redwood Shores Branch Public Library

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RSCA Membership 2023: Renew or Activate Today

Whether you rent or own, live or work in Redwood Shores, if you want to keep the Shores a GREAT place to live and work, we ask that you renew your membership every year. If you are not yet a member, please get connected with your neighborhood and join now!

By now you have received RSCA’s membership letter for 2023.  As mentioned in the letter, RSCA is a nonprofit organization which has supported the entire Redwood Shores community for over 50 years through advocacy, information, community meetings, social and family event, and so much more. Please help us continue to do so by lending your support.  

RSCA Membership Button - Click now for Membership

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City Council to Discuss Redwood Life – July 24th @ 6PM

At the July 24th City Council of Redwood City meeting, the Council will include a Public Hearing for matters pertaining to the Redwood LIFE office project at 800-3400 Bridge Parkway. The council will be initiating a review to consider the repeal of the Westport Specific Plan in favor of a different Precise Plan Study, which would allow redevelopment of the area. 

Those who have taken interest in this matter or would like more information are encourage to attend or remotely stream this hearing.

July 24, 6:00 p.m.
Meeting ID: 994 8182 5639
Dial-in audio: (669) 900-6833

More information about the Redwood LIFE proposal can be found on the Redwood City website:

Many in Redwood Shores have expressed concern with RSCA about this project, given that land developer Longfellow does not, at this time, have an approved plan for these changes to be considered.

Some may ask, what is a “Specific Plan,” and why is this topic important to Redwood Shores residents?

A Specific Plan acts as a detailed zoning and design code that regulates land use and development within that area. This Westport Specific Plan defines codes for the area known as Redwood LIFE, which is on Marine Parkway and connects to the Belmont Slough here in Redwood Shores. Originally drafted in 1995, the Westport Specific Plan included safety protocols restricting building and construction methods on this property, since the area includes 45acres of capped old landfill. Toxic materials are known to be sealed inside the barrier over this landfill. This material has been safely sealed with a clay cap, and the Westport Specific Plan regulates building designs and construction to make sure any developments on this property meet building standards to keep this cap intact. Changes to the Specific Plan would change how this carefully-regulated property is used.

There is concern about whether the City should approve moving forward with change consideration of the Westport Specific Plan without a concrete proposal plan to consider. The Council needs to understand the severity of problems which would occur if the Specific Plan were changed.

If you share these concerns over changing the Westport Specific Plan, please plan to attend the meeting on July 24th and voice your concerns.

Redwood City Planning Commission Hearing

The following information was shared by the City of Redwood City regarding a Planning Commission Hearing to be held on June 20, 2023 at 6PM. Chief among topics relevant to Redwood Shores residents will be discussion of the Redwood LIFE office project at 800-3400 Bridge Parkway. The council will discuss proposals to replace the existing Westport Specific Plan in favor of a new Precise Plan Study. which would allow redevelopment of the area.

More information about this proposal can be found on the Redwood City website:

Those who have taken interest in this City Planning project or would like more information are encourage to attend or remotely stream this hearing. Continue reading

RWS ALERT: Emergency Force Main Repair

A leak on SVCW’s main sewer pipeline is occurring and an emergency condition declared. Work has begun to locate and repair the leak.

Emergency Force Main Repair
Location: Redwood Shores Parkway and Marlin Drive

UPDATE: Redwood Shores Parkway eastbound lanes may still be affected in this repair project through an estimated completion date of April 21. Click for more details.

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