Give Your Stuff Away Day

Recycling is a wonderful activity. Donating to a non-profit is even better. But if this is just too much hard work after you’ve spent all your energy de-cluttering, why not simply give things away?

Saturday, May 14 is Give Your Stuff Away Day, which means you should be able to place a few unwanted things at the end of your driveway and watch them magically disappear. As the organizers of the event say, this is an easy way to help those in need, keep things out of landfill, and reduce clutter in your home. If you can, pencil in some time a few days before the 14th to identify anything you’d like to wave farewell to.

Check out the website, for more information and guidelines on acceptable items. You should also plan to take responsibility for removing any leftovers which are not spirited away by eager treasure-hunters.

And a final note of caution: if you don’t intend to give stuff away, this would be a good weekend to make sure bikes, toys and garden tools are not lying around outside your house… someone might get over-enthusiastic and transport them to a new home.

— Pauline Wiles,
— Redwood Shores resident and owner,
— The English Organizer —

Parade of Planes

Parade of Planes will be on Sunday, May 22, 2011.

Airplanes will exit SQL’s Gate N-1 at 09:00, parade down Redwood Shores Parkway with police escort, and be on static display at Sandpiper School all day.  They will return to SQL at 16:30 parading in the opposite direction.

President’s Memo: May 2011

A Hole in our Heart & Soul

After 26 years here, Pat Dixon is leaving Redwood Shores. Most of you know Pat only from her “Swan Lady” column in the PILOT. Pat has been a tireless advocate for this community in her service on many Boards and Commissions in San Mateo County. I cannot say more than was in the Proclamation from the RWC Council honoring her service. A copy is on Redwood City Honors Pat Dixon

Pat is leaving a big hole in the heart and soul of Redwood Shores.


New System for Taking Police Reports…

Like almost every agency in every city in California, our Police Department is working to find new ways to continue to provide basic services more efficiently, even with declining resources. This means finding ways to free officers from lower-priority tasks so they are available for more important duties.

One plan already in place is a voluntary system that would let you “self-report” minor property crimes without the need to have a police officer tied up taking the report. The criteria are that:

  1. the property crime is not in progress,
  2. the property loss is less than $10,000, and
  3. no suspect information is available.

Examples of crimes that could be self-reported would be petty theft, vandalism, hit & run collisions, and auto burglaries. Again, self-reporting without the need to have a police officer on-site to take the report is entirely voluntary. When you make the report yourself, that report becomes an “official police report” and goes into the police crime reporting system just as if a sworn officer had taken the report. You get a copy of the “official police report” for insurance or other purposes, again, just as if a sworn officer had taken the report.

You still have the option of having an officer come and make the report if you wish. But when you make the report yourself, you free up that officer for other duties. More complete information is available at . Look for “Report Crime On-Line” in the lower left hand corner.


…and for Seeing Crime Report Activity On-line

One of the comments we received in our winter 60 Second Survey was “ability to know about crime in RWS through some pro-active mechanism”. This is an issue RSCA has raised with RWC Police for the past few years. By the time your read this, you should be able to go to and search “Redwood City” to see crime reports for the past month. There are tools to the right that will let you select what type of crimes you want to see on the map.

This is a system that the RWC Police command staff are now using, and you can see that many of our neighboring cities are also using this system. While crime report “media logs” have been available on the RWC Police web site for some time, this new tool is a great step forward in increasing the visibility of criminal & police activity in our City. Kudos to the department for making this information more easily available to the public.


Why We Want Your Email

RSCA is required to notify all Shores residents and businesses of specific events like our Annual Business meeting each year. It costs us at least 45¢ to send a postcard notice, and even more if we need to send a letter. We now have over 5,400 residents and almost 700 business in the Shores, so those mailing costs are significant. It costs us much less an one penny each to send an email notice.

We currently have over 600 Shores residents & businesses on our email list, and we use our email list to make sure you are aware of all our community events during the year. If you would like to be on our email list, simply go to and under “Feedback”, click on the “Join our email list” button to sign up.



Your information is for use only by Redwood Shores Community Association in contacting you. We do not share, sell, or provide our contact list to any other person or organization.


RSCA’s 60 Second Survey

We do appreciate all of you who made time for our “60 Second Survey” of issues affecting the Shores, and we especially appreciated those who took time to offer additional comments. The results were not surprising, with the highest concern naturally being the levee certification, with public safety issues a close second.

One responder had this suggestion: “It would be nice to hear different view points from the pilot. It seem like the same voices say the same message. How about allowing others to voice their opinion, especially since we don’t all think the same way?”

We agree, and we would like to hear from you. If you would be interested in writing a column for the PILOT, either one time or on a regular basis, simply contact me or PILOT Editor Carol Mertens at

— Harris Rogers, RSCA President

The Eggstravaganza Arrives

Spring flowers are ready to leave their hidey-holes after this wet winter and finally usher in springtime! That means that it’s time for the RSCA’s annual Eggstravaganza, held every year at Marlin Park in the center of Redwood Shores. Bring all your children and a basket for goodies to the park for the big Egg Hunt, where toddlers and young kids can seek out goodies hidden in the grass and playground. Also, the Easter Bunny will be there to lead off the Egg Hunt and later to pose for pictures with the boys and girls, so be sure to take along a camera as well!

Eggstravaganza 2011

April 23 at 1:00 PM


The annual Eggstravaganza takes place in Marlin Park in Redwood Shores (click for directions). Parents should encourage their little ones to bring their own baskets to collect eggs. (Please note a maximum of six eggs per child.) Be sure to also bring a digital camera you would like to get a photo with the Easter Bunny.

Sandpiper Open House

Open House is your chance to view the wonderful work your child has completed this school year. The Multi-use Room in the Community Center will display Art in Action from all classrooms. Please remember Open House is not the time for teacher conferences. Our fifth grade students will have their annual bake sale to raise funds for their end-of-year activities. If you are new to the Redwood Shores community, this is your chance to check out the exceptional educational program at Sandpiper School. We hope that you will join us for an evening to celebrate our students’ achievement this year.

When: Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Time: 7:00-8:00 p.m.

Place: Your child’s classroom

Shores Disaster Preparedness Event

WATER, POWER, FOOD … Are You Prepared to be Without … for 7 days?

Now that we have your attention, please join us to learn how you can create a plan to prepare your family if disaster strikes our community.

Redwood City Fire Department personnel,  CERT volunteers, and interested Shores neighbors are giving their time to help educate, inform and motivate every resident to be prepared for what we hope will never happen.

Come learn how to create a plan to protect your loved ones and your homes. Hear from Fire Department staff and speak to members of our community about family and neighborhood readiness. Mark your calendar now!


Shores Disaster Preparedness

Saturday, April 30

10 – 11:30 am – drop in!

Redwood Shores Library

Bridge and Marine Parkway

Redwood City Honors Pat Dixon

Redwood Shores’ own Pat Dixon (known throughout Redwood Shores as the “Swan Lady”) has been recognized via proclamation for her years of service to our community.

RSCA is proud to share the proclamation with the community honoring one of our most respected citizens.

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Friends of the Redwood City Public Library Update

Here’s a shining example of a volunteer effort really making a difference: so far this fiscal year, the non-profit volunteer group Friends of the Redwood City Public Library has raised and committed over $71,000 to fund Library programs including film/music/book series for adults, children/young adult programs, Family Author Nights at schools, summer reading programs, Traveling Storytime, Live Homework Help, and more. You can learn more about the Friends’ great accomplishments at their website — . You’ll also see how easy it is to become a member of the Friends and help to continue the wonderful work they do! While you’re there, read their Spring Newsletter.

And, be sure to visit the Friends bookstore at the Downtown Library for unbelievable deals on all kinds of books (all sales go to benefit the Library). Right now, the bookstore features a special Mother’s Day and Gardening books display you might want to check out. It includes a varied collection of children’s books, mom topics, wonderful cook books, and much more. There’s also a small collection of Easter books but get there quick before they’re sold out! You’re really going to want to get over there to check out the Friends’ “Giving Them Away!” sale – they’ve discounted a lot of fiction paperbacks – regularly $2 each, they’re are on sale for just $1 each OR 6 for $5! This sale lasts through this week only.

The volunteers of the Friends of the Redwood City Library work hard to help bring great programs and materials to the community – please consider becoming a member. Membership starts at just $10 a year for an individual! That’s a small investment you can make in your community’s library, and you’ll be helping to enhance and improve Library services. Also consider volunteering with the Friends of the Library — get all the information online!

Urban Water Management Plan Meeting

You are invited to participate in an important discussion about updating Redwood City’s Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP). The UWMP is the 20-year blueprint for our community’s water supply, an important visionary tool for meeting our long-term water supply objectives (see It’s updated every five years, and the City is inviting the community’s ideas, opinions and suggestions as we move forward with drafting the updated plan.

The second of two UWMP workshops is Wednesday, May 4th, 6 – 8 pm at the Public Works Services Municipal Corporation Yard located at 1400 Broadway. Refreshments will be served. Please RSVP to Theresa Maluia at or by calling (650) 780-5991.

Please spread the word about joining the discussion of essential water supply topics, including reliability and impacts of drought; impacts of projected demand; water conservation; water reuse; and more. Updated information and schedules for the process of developing the UWMP are available online at