Dog Days in August? Not At The Marketplace!

How about a little something to perk up the last days in August for everyone!  Come on over toThe Marketplace at Redwood Shores Shopping Center for their annual “FAMILY FUN DAY”.

Saturday, August 20th from 11AM – 2PM

The Center, The Marketplace at Redwood Shores

There will be live music by “Macy Blackman & The Mighty Fines”, featuring Nancy Wright, a powerhouse sax player, belting out New Orleans style R & B.  You might even want to bring along your dancingshoes!  Twinkie Dee Star will be facepainting all kinds of designs for both boys and girls, from butterfliesto soccer balls, and Sir Lance will have some wonderful balloon creations.  Lots of yummy FREE

Food Sampling at many of the restaurants, a Youth Summer Art Contest by Provident Credit Union, Arts & Crafts Exhibitors, and some surprises as well.

Be sure to enter the raffle for hundreds of dollars worth of great prizes, including shopping sprees from your favorite Marketplace merchants.  Bring the whole family and join the fun as summer winds down.

AT&T Construction Through August

AT&T will be installing a number of infrastructure improvements for its wired communication services, including placing Lightspeed cabinet boxes in Redwood Shores for U-verse high-speed internet, television and telephone service. Because of this, construction crews will be at various sites throughout the month. Please be on the lookout in these areas to slow down while passing construction zones stay extra wary of pedestrians when passing these sites.

The proposed construction schedule for Redwood Shores is as follows:

Batch 1:
Estimated window start time: Week of 7/25/2011

  • Davit and Shell
  • MH 755 Redwood Shores PKWY
  • 1 Egret Ln

Batch 2:
Estimated window start time: Week of 8/8/2011

  • 601 & 650 Redwood Shores PKWY
  • 1 Avocet Dr
  • 440 Marine PKWY

Batch 3:
Estimated window start time: Week of 8/22/2011

  • 455 Compass Cir
  • 397 Lanyard Dr
  • 800 Marine PKWY
  • 595 Shell PKWY

Batch 4:
Estimated window start time: Week of 9/5/2011

  • 400 Tiller Ln
  • 554 Marine PKWY
  • 700 Marine PKWY
  • Shearwater & Mindanao

Redwood Shores Levee Clean Up 2011

You CAN make a difference… help CLEAN UP the Shores!

Saturday, August 27, 8:00am – noon

Mariner Park

This is a great opportunity to get outside, enjoy some of Redwood Shores’ beautiful summer weather, and help to clean up and beautify Redwood Shores’ levees for the benefit of all of Redwood City. Each year, dozens of excited volunteers remove tons of debris including tires, wood, rubbish, and the typical flotsam and jetsam that accumulates. Every piece of refuse removed is important, no matter how small!

The levee cleanup day is a fun and meaningful volunteer community event that helps the environment, and helps to beautify Redwood Shores. And for non-Redwood Shores volunteers, it’s a great opportunity to learn about the beauty of the Redwood Shores levees, enjoy the sight of a variety of wildlife, and experience incredible views of the bay.

Coffee, juice & bagels will be available at 8:30 AM before assignments are doled out. After the cleanup, a free barbecue for the volunteers will be served at Mariner Park, as a small ‘thank you’ for helping to beautify and enhance this important Redwood City resource.

Just bring gloves & wear good work shoes… everything else will be provided.

Wine Appreciation

A buddy of mine says he likes his red wines “in the style of Jennifer Lopez.” You know, what you see and sniff is what you get with this colorful, grapey and juicy quaff. Overtly fruity and vibrant, with no tannic edges, this extroverted, purple, mouth watering gem is made for immediate enjoyment. Age it in your wine cellar for later drinking? Heck no, guzzle it today, and enjoy it with simple, food—ribs, burgers, sausages, basic pasta. Serve it in tumblers or Styrofoam cups, and nobody will bat an eye. Subtleties and nuances are not part of this all time Bistro favorite. Everything is up front, right where it belongs. There are no cerebral discussions needed to appreciate this hedonistic package of pleasure.

“Gimme a Catherine Zeta-Jones Red any day,” spouts another friend of mine. Maturity, refinement, and elegance are the hallmarks of his style of red wine. Approachable and certainly enjoyable right now, this well structured, elegant Cru delivers complex, voluptuous flavors of blackcurrant, cedar and tobacco. But this world class claret, with well balanced fruit and tannins, needs a little time and understanding to soften and reveal its long term promises. When the time comes, you must pay attention because the messages are soft, gentle, and nuance-laden. Satisfying throughout its long life, this very special red wine requires the right food, the right glass, and the right crowd. Snobby? Some would say so. Ah, but for those who know…

And yet another friend insists that the “Julia Roberts Red” is the only way to go. While frequently described as a “feminine” style of wine, many men have been known to knock themselves out pursuing it elusive charms. A “sweetie,” but not in the sugar sense, this aromatic beauty offers a nifty middle ground to the two wines mentioned above. This Pretty Woman is outgoing, fragrant, and smooth tasting from the get-go. Offering more serious flavors, structure, and longevity than J-Lo, it doesn’t require Zeta-Jones’ long term commitment before you understand what it’s all about. And while it is known for its immediate, tannin-free red berry appeal, this is not a one night stand drink. Though sometimes elusive and occasionally confounding, this is the wine that you will keep going back to week after week and year after year.

So, what’s the point of all that anthropomorphic word play? Well, first of all, I’ve described three types of red wine. Each made from different grapes. With each style providing its own brand of pleasure. Recognize them? I’m suggesting, not so subtly, there’s variety out there. There are many reds and numerous whites that should be explored and enjoyed. If you’re willing to learn the major grape varieties, and their flavor profile (taste characteristics), plus a few wine vocabulary basics (wine’s structural aspects), then you’re well on your way to knowing what’s in your glass, and more importantly, why you like it.

– Tom Barras

The Perils of Internet Shopping

When stores started selling their wares on the Internet several years ago, they opened a Pandora’s box. Customers are now faced with so many options that they can easily feel overwhelmed and suffer “paralysis by analysis”. I have clients who delayed starting a remodeling project for twelve years because they had the misconception they could save time and money by doing all the planning and shopping themselves. They spent hours perusing the web and became thoroughly confused about what was a good investment, which products were reliable long term and where to begin the project. All they discovered was that the task was too daunting to undertake without professional experienced guidance.

Shopping on the Internet doesn’t save money unless you consider that all your time is of no value. Mistakes in Internet purchases can be difficult and costly to resolve. Some companies don’t even have a phone number on their website for customer assistance! The customer is responsible when they order a product in the wrong size. This can be a major dilemma when measuring for window treatments or not considering the clearance for the swing of the door on an appliance when it is installed in cabinetry. Then there is the problem of tracking the product from purchase to delivery and installation-all without damage to the product or the home. The California Board of Equalization now requires the consumer to retro-actively pay sales tax on all out of state Internet purchases, so there isn’t even any saving in sales tax. When a customer shops for furniture, appliances and plumbing fixtures on the Internet they are unable to sit on the product, test its’ functionality or judge its’ quality.

Working with a designer keeps the customer from being overwhelmed with choices and decisions. Designers guide their clients towards durable products and companies with proven track records of excellent customer service. Often making a slightly larger investment in the initial purchase will yield a product with a history of lower maintenance and better warranty service. After all, doesn’t everyone want the dollars they spend today to provide years of pleasure and worry-free maintenance in their home?

What happened to the clients who delayed their remodeling project for years? Within weeks of hiring a decorator, they had a team that included an architect and a contractor who transformed their wishes into a specific floor plan with detailed attention to their needs for storage as well as dedicated spaces for music and video gaming. Now they can proceed with confidence to build their “forever “ home.


— Jean Cary, Jean Cary Interiors

To find the solutions to your home dilemmas, give Jean a call: of (650) 593-9622

Fashion Forward: Swimwear Shopping Savvy

I shared swimwear shopping tips with you at this time last year, but do believe they bear repeating. Women in particular tend to dread not only the day we have to appear in public in our swimsuit, but also the whole process of shopping for it.  (I mean, truly, couldn’t they put some flattering light and mirrors in those dressing rooms?!) Keep these few tips in mind and it won’t be quite so tortuous….


SSS Tip #1

First of all, forget about numbers…the size, that is.  No one will see the size but you, and the important thing is that the suit fit properly, to show off your best assets.  If it bothers you, cut out the tag after you purchase.


SSS Tip #2

You probably have a pretty good idea about your body ‘shape’, i.e. round, rectangle, triangle, inverted triangle, hourglass.  That being said, you should look for suits that will emphasize your most attractive assets while minimizing those areas you’re not so fond of.

For example, if you want to camouflage your midriff, a suit with ruching in the midriff will help. A vertical accent, such as a ruffle down the front of a suit or a vertical line in a contrasting color, will help to slim the body.

If your shape is a triangle (heavier on the bottom), you can focus attention on the upper body with a printed tankini top and solid color bottom. Another way to accomplish this is a suit with wide-set straps, which will draw the eye upward and outward, emphasizing the upper chest and shoulders.

If you want to emphasize (or create) a waistline, a suit with detailing at the waist will do the trick. You may want to check out the swimsuit section on the Nordstrom website – you can look at suits according to your body type.


SSS Tip #3

Think about the fabric and your planned activity before you purchase.  For example, if you’re planning on spending time in the water, avoid crocheted or loosely-knitted suits because they sag and lose their shape when wet. Move around in your suit – stretch, sit down, raise your knees. You want to make sure the suit stays in put in all the proper places.


SSS Tip #4

Get a tan…no, not in the sun but out of a bottle.  We all look better in a swimsuit when our skin is a bit tanned.  Whether it’s a spray-on (Mystic and Versatan systems are two good ones…I especially like Versatan because it dries you off after the ‘liquid tan’ is sprayed on…minimizes streaking) or a lotion (again, my favorite is Loreal Sublime Bronze…gives a good color and doesn’t have a strong odor…be sure to wash your hands well afterwards or, as I do, wear latex gloves to apply.)

— Adena DiTonno

Adena is owner of adenaDesigns, a fashion and wardrobe consultancy in Redwood Shores.

President’s Memo: July 2011

LOCK your Cars, LOCK your Doors !

We have had a string of thefts from homes and automobiles parked in Redwood Shores. Valuables left inside were taken from cars parked in Governor’s Bay and Gossamer Cove. Cell phones, tablet PCs, GPSs and other valuables were left where they were clearly visible, and the cars were left unlocked — none of the entries into the cars was forced!

We’ve also had a few home “break-ins”, but – again – doors or windows were left unlocked. Police are aware of the crimes and have been patrolling the area, but they believe the robbers come by car and are able to move throughout the area quickly.

It seems that Bay Area thieves have begun to realize that we are a vulnerable area due the general safety of the Shores and to our trust in our neighbors. However, these crooks are NOT our neighbors and they are preying on our community.

LOCK YOUR CARS AND HOUSES! Take just a few sensible precautions to protect yourself. Be aware and report any suspicious behavior immediately.

(If you want to see a record of crime & police activity in the Shores, go to and, where it says “enter an address”, enter our ZIP, “94065”.)


More from RSCA’s “60 Second Survey”…

We do appreciate all of you who made time for our “60 Second Survey” of issues affecting the Shores, and we especially appreciated those who took time to offer additional comments. Public safety (police/fire) issues were naturally at the top of the list of concerns, but two other items also came up in more than a few comments.

The least controversial of the two items is re-gaining access to the outer Bay Trail (past the dog park behind sewage plant). This is now on RSCA’s list of issues to pursue in the coming year.


…and our “resident” Canada Geese

The second issue received several comments, and there are very strong opinions on both sides:

“I have children and the geese are a significant health and enjoyment issue for us, do not want to see people feeding the geese and would like to come up with consistent population control measures.”

And this:

“I believe the problem is out of control and is making RWS less of a desirable place to live. My wife and I can’t walk out onto the our local sidewalks without stepping in geese droppings… they are EVERYWHERE and it’s disgusting. And people complain when dogs aren’t cleaned up after? All the dogs in the community couldn’t match this mess. And forget about trying to enjoy any of the parks. Each square foot of grass will have multiple piles of geese droppings, again disgusting… they are hatching like crazy and very aggressive toward people, often blocking sidewalks and streets… I understand tolerance of these animals, but it is now more like an infestation…”

On the other side of the issue, we have some residents who believe the wildlife was here first and should be protected, as in this comment:

“…the goose population is being depleted by animal control. They are netting the baby geese, loading them into their trucks, they are than taken away to be destroyed! Is this really your interpretation of living in harmony with nature?”

In our 60 Second Survey, nearly 80% felt that the issue of goose feces littering the Shores was “very important” to them, with over 40% of respondents ranking this “extremely important”. Only 8% considered this to be of “little or no concern”. (On a 10-point scale from “no concern” to “extremely important”, this issue scored at 8.3 among all respondents.)

The rapid increase in the numbers of non-migratory Canada geese and the excrement they leave all over the Shores has created a public health hazard in addition to a significant decline in our community’s ability to enjoy our parks and walkways.

This is NOT a problem caused by seasonal migratory & native birds, and we all agree that these species must be protected. The problem is with those Canada geese who decided to settle here only as this community developed. Canada geese are NOT native to this area, and they do not migrate. Current urban landscaping techniques have provided a “preferred habitat”, and Canada geese have become an “overly successful species” without natural predators here. They “crowd out” other native and migratory species by taking their food and habitat.

Many, many other communities – not only in the Bay Area but all across the U.S. – have reached the same conclusion regarding “resident” Canada geese. Federal & state agencies have recognized and adopted regulations to deal specifically with “nuisance Canada geese.” Part of our increasing problem here is due to the mitigation efforts of neighboring communities (Foster City, for example) driving even more of these non-migratory geese into the Shores.

If we are going to keep our neighborhoods, parks, and walkways clean so that we can maintain the highest quality of life in the Shores, this is a problem that must be addressed.

You can help. If you are feeding Canada geese, either at home or in the parks, please STOP! This is the #1 recommendation of both the U.S. and state wildlife agencies. Feeding encourages the geese to stay here, and it also causes them to grow accustomed to human interaction. Not only is this dangerous to the geese, but it can result in more aggressive and harmful behavior by the geese towards humans.

We highly value the Shores’ open spaces and our surrounding wetlands, but when our kids can’t play in our parks without being soiled with bird excrement, when we can’t stroll through our community without constantly stepping in feces, then we have a significant problem that requires action.

Most of what needs to be done will be on private properties in the Shores, and it will require cooperative efforts between the City, agencies such as US Fish & Wildlife and CA Dept. of Fish & Game, our local businesses, the individual HOAs, and the non-HOA areas of Redwood Shores. RSCA will be working with all involved to clean up our community while protecting our native wildlife and the migratory species who “occasionally” come to visit us in Redwood Shores.


RSCA Can Use Your Help

RSCA is entirely a volunteer organization. And the list of things that we “could” be doing – things we would like to be doing – continues to grow.

If you have areas of specific interest in the Shores that YOU would like to see improved, and you have 1-2 hours a week to work with RSCA, let’s talk about how we might help each other. RSCA can provide support and a platform for action that you might not have as a single individual.

There are also specific skills which we could put to good use. We can always use help with publicity, art/graphic design, finance/accounting, and architecture or construction. We can find a way to use just about any skills you might have that you could volunteer for 1-2 hours a week.

Here is one specific example:

Right now we manually keep track of the 5,400+ residences and 700+ businesses in the Shores. We need a better system. If you have experience with CRM or “membership management” systems, especially “cloud-based” systems, please contact me directly. We can always use some fresh thinking as we look for new technology to help RSCA stay in touch with all our Shores neighbors.


Join Our Email List

With over 5,400 residents and 700 business in the Shores, we use our email list to keep you informed about our community events during the year. If you would like to be on our email list, simply go to and under “Feedback”, click on the “Join our email list” button to sign up.

Our privacy policy:

Your information is for use only by Redwood Shores Community Association in contacting you. We do not share, sell, or provide our contact list to any other person or organization.

In our 60 Second Survey, nearly 80% felt that the issue of goose feces littering the Shores was “very important” to them, with over 40% of respondents ranking this “extremely important”. Only 8% considered this to be of “little or no concern”. (On a 10-point scale from “no concern” to “extremely important”, this issue scored at 8.3 among all respondents.) 

The rapid increase in the numbers of non-migratory Canada geese and the excrement they leave all over the Shores has created a public health hazard in addition to a significant decline in our community’s ability to enjoy our parks and walkways.

This is NOT a problem caused by seasonal migratory & native birds, and we all agree that these species must be protected. The problem is with those Canada geese who decided to settle here only as this community developed. Canada geese are NOT native to this area, and they do not migrate. Current urban landscaping techniques have provided a “preferred habitat”, and Canada geese have become an “overly successful species” without natural predators here. They “crowd out” other native and migratory species by taking their food and habitat.

Many, many other communities – not only in the Bay Area but all across the U.S. – have reached the same conclusion regarding “resident” Canada geese. Federal & state agencies have recognized and adopted regulations to deal specifically with “nuisance Canada geese.” Part of our increasing problem here is due to the mitigation efforts of neighboring communities (Foster City, for example) driving even more of these non-migratory geese into the Shores.

If we are going to keep our neighborhoods, parks, and walkways clean so that we can maintain the highest quality of life in the Shores, this is a problem that must be addressed.

The Redwood Shores Lions Club Spotlight

Lions Donate and Show Support for Japan Tsunami Relief

The Tsunami in Japan created widespread devastation in Japan. Like many groups and individuals around the world, the Redwood Shores Lions wanted to help. The Redwood Shores Lions Club has donated $500 toward Japan Tsunami relief, via the Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF). In addition, the club decided to make a thousand cranes to send to Japan. In Japan, an ancient legend holds that if you make one thousand cranes, then you will get one wish. Typical wishes are for long life, happiness, relief from illness or injury, etc. Together, the Redwood Shores Lions Club, the San Francisco State University Lions Club, friends, and family created TWO thousand cranes to wish the people in Japan hope, recovery, and love. Thank you everyone for exceeding our expectations and creating such beautiful works of art to share and express our thoughts across the ocean to those affected by the Japan Earthquakes and Tsunami.

Maple Street Shelter Barbecue

On June 24th, the Redwood Shores Lions hosted a barbecue dinner for the residents of the Maple Street Shelter in Redwood City. The residents enjoyed delicious food, warm summer weather, and participated in a sing-along. A terrific event and a good time was had by volunteers and residents alike.


Lions Donate and Volunteer at the Belmont Senior Center

On July 13, the Belmont Senior Center hosted a dinner and entertainment for our local Seniors at Twin Pines Community Center. The Redwood Shores Lions Club has donated $250 toward this event, and also helped serve dinner that evening.


Electronic Arts Tour

One of our local Redwood Shores neighbors is Electronic Arts Inc. (EA). Recently, the Redwood Shores Lions Club visited EA and toured their facility. The tour included a brief presentation, a tour of the development area and the beautiful grounds, and a visit to the Company store. Everyone enjoyed going behind the scenes and learning more about EA. Thank you EA!


American Lung Association – Bike 4 Breath

On July 23rd, the Redwood Shores Lions will be volunteering at the Island Park rest stop, greeting cyclists with Gatorade, fruit, granola bars and other snacks. Other Lions will be along the Redwood Shores pathways, directing cyclists along the Bike 4 Breath route. The Lions do this every year and it is a lot of fun to see so many smiling faces raising funds for the American Lung Association.


* * * * * * * * * * * *

— Shellie Sakamoto, Past President

About the Redwood Shores Lions Club

For more information, please visit the website at The Redwood Shores Lions Club holds its general meeting on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Sandpiper Community Center. Anyone who is interested in welcome to attend. The Club is a family friendly group of individuals who enjoy giving back to the community while having fun at the same time. Since its inception, the Club has provided a variety of services to the community of Redwood Shores as well as other neighboring areas.

From the The Palo Alto Medical Foundation — Take the Toxins Out of Cleaning

Remember the “Hints from Heloise” newspaper column? She provided simple household advice passed down from mothers and grandmothers whose common ingredients for cleaning, including baking soda and vinegar, came from the kitchen cupboard.

These types of non-toxic cleaning products are making a comeback. Armed with emerging scientific data on the hazards of synthetic cleaning products, consumers are ready to get back to the basics.

We now know that as we dust, polish and scrub our way to a “cleaner” house, we may create a harmful mix of chemicals that pollute the indoor air and surfaces and compromise the health of our family and pets. Some products contain toxic substances that can cause harm if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through the skin. Mixing certain chemical cleaners, such as chlorine bleach and ammonia, can create toxic gases. Extremely high doses of some substances may even cause birth defects or other serious health problems, including brain damage or death.

Recent studies show that many common cleaners and air “fresheners” contain chemicals that can trigger asthma. This includes products such as spray and plug-in air fresheners; toilet cleaners; and laundry products including detergents, fabric softeners and dryer sheets. A recent study published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine showed that people who used cleaning sprays at least once a week were 50 percent more likely to have increased asthma symptoms, wheeze or use asthma medications. Of the products studied, air fresheners, glass cleaners and furniture sprays had the strongest association with asthma.

Less than 10 percent of approximately 100,000 synthetic chemicals produced each year for industry, home and agriculture uses have undergone testing for long-term health effects. Some synthetic chemicals found in cleaning products are not deliberately added, but are carcinogenic byproducts of manufacturing (including formaldehyde and benzene). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not require manufacturers to list chemicals used in product fragrances. In addition, there are no legal requirements for ingredient labeling on household cleaning products.

Fragrance-free products are the best solution for those at risk for asthma. This is just a rough guideline since there is no exact definition for “scent-free,” “fragrance-free” or “unscented.” Products labeled as “unscented” may actually contain ingredients to mask the smell of other ingredients.

You can also try substituting chemical cleaning products with non-toxic alternatives, just like your grandmother or Heloise used to do. For example:

  • Open windows or use products scented with essential oils instead of spraying air fresheners.
  • Use these non-toxic cleaning alternatives:
    • Castile soap (least toxic, vegetable oil-based)
    • Baking soda
    • Vinegar
    • Lemons and essential oils
  • Use this quick recipe for a safe, effective glass cleaner:
    • 2 cups of water
    • 1 cup of distilled vinegar
    • 1 teaspoon of liquid soap


You can find more non-toxic, natural cleaning and cooking tips in Vicky Lansky’s books Vinegar and Baking Soda.

If you use chemical cleaning products, keep them in their original containers, keep them out of reach of children, and carefully follow instructions for storage and use. If anyone swallows, inhales or gets a toxic product on their skin, seek immediate medical attention.


Listed below are three organizations you can contact with questions or concerns about common household chemicals:

National Pesticide Information Center, 800-858-7378,

Environmental Protection Agency, 202-272-0167,

National Poison Control Hotline, 800-222-1222,


— Cindy Russell, M.D.

Cindy Russell, M.D.