The big (and Good) news relating to RSCA Disaster Preparedness is that as a result of the merging of the RWC and San Carlos Fire Departments, we now have an Emergency Preparedness Coordinator for the combined CERT teams of the two cities. Her name is Christy Adonis and she was previously in the same position for the San Carlos-Belmont Fire Department. When the RWC CERT program was first started, Fire Captain Ernie Gomez acted as the part time CERT Coordinator, and did an excellent job for about six years. When the budget short-fall arrived last year, Captain Gomez was relieved of his CERT responsibilities. CERT was put into “Slumber mode” which meant that all CERT organized activities such as training stopped. Each of the CERT neighborhood teams were on their own and member interest fell off.

Redwood City CERT members are very familiar with Christy Adonis from joint exercises in which we participated and through activities that Christy organized and was kind enough to invite us. The attached training flyer is an example of part of the 2012 program that she has already launched.

— Mike Mancusi

BRSSD Measure C Citizens Bond Oversight Committee Update

After nearly five years of effort, the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District Measure C Bond Oversight Committee had its last meeting on January 17, 2012. The committee was established by the Board of Trustees in 2007 according to State law to ensure that the $25 million in bonds authorized by the Shores community in Measure C (2005) was used solely for the construction of the Shores Elementary School. While the new school opened in August, 2010, expenditures finally came to an end in June, 2011.

The bond oversight committee has reviewed final expenditure reports and the independent financial and performance audits. It will advise the Board of Trustees at its meeting on February 2, 2012, that “to the best of its knowledge, the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District is in compliance with the requirements of the CA Constitution [and] bond revenue has been expended only for the purposes so described in Measure ‘C’.”

Copies of the final Annual Report to the Board of Trustees may be found on the District’s website http://brssd.org/oversightcommittees.html

Thanks to all who have faithfully and diligently served on the committee over the years!

— Respectfully submitted by Carole Wong (Chair), Measure C Bond Oversight Committee

Redwood Shores Annual Meeting

The Redwood Shores Annual Meeting will be held on February 8th, 7:00 PM at the Redwood Shores Library. The event is sponsored by RSCA.

This is your opportunity to hear from our Redwood City officials on issues that affect the home and family of every Shores resident.

February 8, 7PM

Redwood Shores Library

The Redwood Shores Annual Meeting is an important event for all residents to get an update on “The State of the Shores”. You’ll have the opportunity to meet and hear from Redwood City’s Mayor, Police Chief, City Manager, plus City Councilman, Vice-Mayor, and Shores resident Jeff Gee. Superintendent Emerita Orta-Camilleri of our Belmont-Redwood Shores School District will also have a brief update on issues facing our local schools.

Please take time to engage in this discussion of important issues that affect the home and the family of each Shores resident — your voice is important!

(RSCA will also elect its new Board of Directors.)

Please mark the date — February 8, 2011, 7:00 PM — on your calendar for this most important occasion!

Take a Class in Community Emergency Response Training

Come join us for this interactive and informative class and learn how to take better care of yourself, your family, your loved ones and neighbors when a disaster does happen. Floods, wildfires, mudslides, earthquake, airline crash, terrorism, disasters come in all forms and severity, are unpredictable and cause disruptions to emergency services.

A large scale disaster can easily overwhelm local emergency response resources, Police Officers, Firefighters and Emergency Medical Services. The CERT program will provide citizens with basic training in disaster survival and rescue skills to help reduce loss and protect property during the most critical timeframe, until emergency responders can arrive.

During the C.E.R.T. course, students will receive training in emergency preparedness, fire suppression, medical operations, light search and rescue, disaster psychology, team organization and terrorism. Upon full course completion students will receive a Certificate of Completion. Classes fill up fast, don’t miss this critical training. For additional information or to register, please contact Christy Adonis, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator- serving Redwood City and San Carlos at 802-4300, or by email at


  • Wednesday, February 8th 6:30pm to 9:00pm
  • Saturday, February, 11th 9:00am to 4:30pm
  • Saturday, February, 25th 9:00am to 4:30pm

AGE: 18 +
INSTRUCTORS: Fire Department staff and CERT Volunteers
LOCATION: San Carlos Fire Station 13, 525 Laurel St., San Carlos

— Redwood City Fire Department & San Carlos Fire Department

A Message From Mayor Aguirre

Dear Redwood City Residents:

I wanted to share with you some of my thoughts on the City Council’s decision-making process regarding the increase in garbage/recycling rates. As you may know, after a thoughtful discussion at our January 9, 2011 meeting, the City Council unanimously approved a rate increase of 7.2% . This increase is less than the 7.81% increase that was originally proposed. The lower increase resulted from the Council deciding not to implement a proposed new curbside household hazardous waste collection service (which would have added 0.61% to the increase).

For the majority of Redwood City households, which have the 32-gallon cart, this amounts to an additional $1.78 per month/per cart (for those with 20-gallon carts the increase is 75¢ per month/per cart). Corresponding increases are reflected in the rates for larger bins and for commercial customers. More detailed information is available online at www.redwoodcity.org/garbagerates .

It’s important to remind you that all revenues from this rate increase are used only to provide garbage service to the community.

This was a difficult decision, especially in light of the 85 official protest letters we received, and knowing that this increase is of some level of concern to everyone in the community. During the Council’s discussion on the rate increase, we directed staff to update rate projections for future years and also asked that an analysis be done of the current rate methodology. We want to make sure that the most equitable and fair approach is in place, in order to ensure predictability and certainty in future rates for the community.

Thank you for your understanding, and please be assured that I and my colleagues on the Council appreciate your concerns with rate increases, and their impact on households during these difficult economic times. I encourage you to become involved in issues like this which are of concern to you — your involvement in important City matters is of great value to the entire community. You can keep up to date on City activities and issues through our website, or via this email list.

— Alicia Aguirre, Mayor

Redwood Shores Library Events

The following events and programs are running through the month of February at the Redwood Shores Branch Library. New events are added each month and suit a wide range of interests for children, teens and adults as part of the library’s initiative to connect our community through literacy and learning. For more information about events at our local library, visit the Redwood Shores Branch Library web page.

 =Music, Games and Stories in English and Spanish=

Saturday February 11 @ 11:00am

Join Valéria for music and stories. For ages 1-4.

=Dad & Me @ the Library with Owen Baker-Flynn=

Saturday February 18 @ 11:00am

Comedy, juggling,, magic, and amazing balancing tricks!

=Peninsula Book Club=

Tuesday February 28 @ 6:00pm

We will discuss Julie Otsuka’s When the Emporer was Divine. For more information & to RSVP, visit www.meetup.com .

=Seaside Storytime=

Saturday February 25 @ 1:30pm

Come and hear stories and see animals from our own bay with the Marine Science Institute.

=Weekly Storytimes=

Mondays @ 11:00am – Preschool Ages 3-5 Tuesdays @ 7:00pm – Pajama Time Stories for All Ages

Thursdays @ 10:30am – Preschool Ages 3-5 Thursdays @ 11:30am – Tiny Tales for Ages 0-18 Months

=Homework Center Hours=

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 3:00pm- 6:00pm, Wednesdays 1:00pm-6:00pm

=Teen Gaming and Activities=

Mondays 5:00pm

=Volunteer with the Friends of the Library=

The Friends operates a resale book store inside the Downtown Library to generate funds to support library programs and events. Call 650.780.7050 for more information about the Friends and to identify your volunteer interests.

For volunteer opportunities at the Redwood Shores Branch Library, please call 650.780.5740.

=Meeting Space Available at the Redwood Shores Branch Library=

Please visit www.redwoodcity.org/library/info/meetingrooms.html

“Yes, Your Teen is Crazy!”

The Carlmont Performing Arts Center Events hosts the Parent-Teacher-Student Association educational event “Yes, Your Teen is Crazy!”, an evening with with Dr. Michael J. Bradley.

7:00 PM
Carlmont Performing Arts Center
(1400 Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont)
ADMISSION: Free for Carlmont PTSA Members, $5 for Non-Members

At this event, you’ll learn:

  • How the enigmatic teen brain works (and how it doesn’t work)
  • The Ten Commandments of Parenting
  • The three top ways to earn your kid’s respect (and the three worst ways to destroy it)
  •  Drugs — the DOs and DON’Ts
  • Sex and Dating — what every parent needs to know

The event will end with a Q&A session. “Yes, Your Teen is Crazy!” books will be available for sale at the event (10% of proceeds will be donated to the PTSA by The Reading Bug bookstore.)

ABOUT DR. BRADLEY: An expert on adolescent behavior, Dr. Michael J. Bradley, Ed.D. is frequently quoted in the press. He has also appeared on hundreds of TV and radio programs, including NBC’s Today Show, CNN World News Tonight, Pure Oxygen, and National Public Radio. He delivers speeches before national and state PTA conventions and many other parenting and professional groups. Dr. Bradley has received ten national publishing awards for his books.

School Board Meeting

A regular meeting of the School board is on the 1st Thursday of each month, at 7:00 PM. For this first February meeting on February 2, the meeting will be held in Redwood Shores’ Sandpiper Elementary. The meeting is Open Session and residents are, as usual, invited to attend.

February 2, 2012
7PM at Sandpiper Elementary
801 Redwood Shores Parkway


This special Sandpiper Elementary meeting will cover a regular agenda, and is being held here in Redwood Shores on this occasion to help residents who have not been able to make it to a standard session attend. Several times per year, meetings are held at various school sites in the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District. The regular meeting of the School board is on the 1st Thursday of each month, at 7:00 pm and held at the District Office building: 2960 Hallmark Dr., Belmont, CA 94002 [map and directions]. If a second meeting is needed during the month, it is generally held on the 3rd Thursday at the same time and place.

For more information about School Board Meetings, view the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District website.

Redwood City’s Annual Preschool Preview Night

Choosing the right child care, preschool, or other early-development program is one of the most important and often difficult decisions a parent can make. Redwood City and its Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department, the Redwood City Mother’s Club, and Bay Area Parent Magazine are teaming up to give parents the information necessary to help them make the best decisions possible.

The community is invited to Redwood City’s annual “Preschool Preview Night,” a preschool / child care & parent resource fair that has become a key resource for parents considering their child’s early care and education. This free, informative open house event will be held on Wednesday, January 18, 2012, from 6 – 8 pm, at the Community Activities Building, 1400 Roosevelt Avenue. Parents can also take in a special presentation on Choosing Quality Preschool and Child Care (courtesy of the Child Care Coordinating Council) at 5:30 pm or at 6:30 pm.

Parents are invited to drop in to see displays and obtain information from a variety of early care and education programs in the mid-peninsula region (Belmont to Palo Alto). Representatives from these programs will be available to talk with parents about their organizations and to help determine which programs might be the best “fit” for kids. Parents’ questions about family child care homes, State licensing, in-home care, quality indicators, accreditation, and more can be answered, giving them the tools necessary to help them make informed and intelligent decisions about their child’s care and educational development. General information on the Preschool Preview Night is available by calling 650-780-7311 or by emailing

The Redwood City Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department provides recreational facilities and activities for all ages and interests, and supplies building and custodial services for City buildings. Redwood City Parks also operates the Fair Oaks Community Center, providing social, educational, and cultural activities, as well as information, referral, and counseling services to persons living in Redwood City and neighboring communities. Redwood City Parks is more than you think! Its website is located at www.redwoodcity.org/parks

The PILOT: January 2012

Below is this month’s issue of The Pilot, published in it’s entirety on the RSCA website. To get a complete view of this month’s issue that is easy to read on your screen, please choose the “Fullscreen” option at the top of the viewer — from there, you can click on the left or right of each page to thumb through the various pages.

All of the software needed to view this web-based version of The Pilot should be linked below if it is not already installed on your web browser, and you can also download or print the PDF document for use away from the computer. If you are having trouble viewing this document on your cellphone, tablet or computer, please contact the RSCA website team.

View or Download The Pilot, January 2012 Issue

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