Young Pianists from Redwood Shores Studio Win 13 Awards

Ten Young Pianists from the Redwood Shores Piano Studio of Concert Pianist Sujeeva Hapugalle were rewarded for their efforts with 13 Awards at the recent 2012 US Open Music Competition. These awards were for Solo Piano performance. The competition attracts enthusiastic participation from out of state and internationally, in some categories- from as far as China. In addition Leslie Jin, a past multiple First Prize Winner of the CMTANC competition, also won 2nd Place in the prestigious Bay-area Menuhin-Dowling Competition this year.

These Young Pianists were part of a student group who were presented by Sujeeva Hapugalle in her Studio project ‘Musical Bridges’ that raised $ 11K for the Music Program of RWS Elementary School by performing select public concerts also supported by their families, local patrons and business partners!.

Sujeeva and her Piano Studio looks forward to a continuing quest to support and enrich the musical environment and community of Redwood Shores by future performances!

Crew Racing in The Shores

Head’s up — crew racing begins again in the Shores! Rowing season starts February at the RWS lagoon.

Stanford’s schedule is:

  • Sat, February 25:  Stanford vs University of Victoria
  • Sat/Sun, April 14 and 15:  Stanford Invitational
  • Sat, April 28:  Big Row vs Cal

Favorite places to watch the races:

THE START of the race at Shell Blvd. You’ll feel the power as the shells leap to full speed in five strokes.

THE BRIDGE at Bridge Pkwy. From above you can see the race from start to finish or you can go under the bridge to get up close and personal as the boats zip by 20 feet away.

THE LAUNCH dock at Paragon Point. There is a beehive of activity. This is team headquarters where supporters and family hang out.

THE FINISH line near the Sofitel.

It’s great to take a bike and spend time at all these places. Bring your camera as there are photo ops everywhere.

Take advantage of an activity that makes Redwood Shores special.

Water-Efficient Landscaping Classes

Redwood City and the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency (BAWSCA) present free Water Efficient Landscape Classes for the community. There are over 30 great classes offered throughout the peninsula, south bay, and east bay, with four of them in Redwood City. For more info, see the following link:

“Water Efficient Drip Irrigation”

Saturday, April 14, from 9 am – Noon

Redwood City Public Works Services, 1400 Broadway

Learn about basic drip irrigation design and installation, choosing the right components, watering techniques, and system maintenance for your landscaping.


“Course: Hardscape Design”

Saturday, April 28, from 8 am – Noon

(Repeated May 19)

Lyngso Garden Materials, 19 Seaport Blvd., Redwood City

Learn about permeable surfaces and their water conserving benefits. Find out how to design and install pathways and patios using decomposed granite, gravel, flagstone and pavers.



Registration is required – go to or call (650) 349-3000.

There are lots of other Spring 2012 Water Efficient Landscaping Classes – register now! Go to the BAWSCA website for the complete list of classes and workshops.

These classes offer interesting and useful classroom lectures and hands-on workshops across a wide range of water efficient landscaping practices for your yard, including sustainable landscaping, use of California native and drought tolerant plants, creating healthy soil, understanding water conservation, alternatives to lawn, habitat gardening, edible landscaping, parent/child gardening workshop, water efficient irrigation practices, and hardscape design.

Water and Sewer Rates Proposes Increases

Over the last few years, as we’ve seen regular increases in water and sewer rates, the City has also been letting you know that such increases will be continuing for the foreseeable future, due to constantly rising costs of repairing, replacing, and maintaining these critical systems. We want to outline for you this ongoing situation, and the need for the current proposal for such increases. This information and a lot more detail are online at .

We’re sure you’ll agree that no one wants to turn on their faucet and see it run dry, or experience a sewer line break in their neighborhood. And it’s important to have these systems in a condition to resist damage when the next big earthquake hits. Redwood City is constantly working to ensure these systems are up-to-date, dependable, and safe. Your water and sewer rates pay for these services, and we assure you that those rates are used only for these services.

However, there are significant and escalating costs involved with making sure the community’s water and sewer services are readily available and in good working order. When the City’s cost of providing these services goes up, the rates must be raised in order to fund those escalating costs.

In light of this, Redwood City is considering a 12% increase in water rates (about $4 per month for a typical household), and a 9% increase for residential sewer rates (about $5 per month; commensurate increases are proposed for commercial sewer accounts, based on water usage and business type). The Council will consider this proposal at a public hearing on Monday, May 7, 2012, at 7 pm at City Hall, 1017 Middlefield Road. Information on how to protest this rate proposal is online at .

You can be assured that the City staff and Council fully understand that these difficult economic times are a struggle for many people, and they share residents’ anxiety about escalating monthly bills. You may be interested to know that even with these proposed increases, Redwood City’s rates will still be at or below the average for Peninsula communities, and the community will be assured of the most dependable water and sewer services possible.

There are a number of major regional and local projects to upgrade and protect water and sewer systems, which are driving these proposed rate increases. For the sewer system, those projects include:

  • $200 million over the next ten years for Redwood City’s share of the replacement of outdated facilities at the regional sewage treatment plant
  • $100 million over the next ten years for the repair/replacement of the City’s aging sewer infrastructure

For the water system, projects include:

  • $80 million over the next 20 years for the repair, replacement, and maintenance of Redwood City’s drinking water system
  • $10 million annually over the next 30 years for Redwood City’s share of the seismic upgrade of the Hetch Hetchy water system, our community’s sole-source of drinking water (in the form of regular and significant increases in the wholesale cost of water)

A little more on the water rates: this year, the wholesale cost of water from the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC, owners of the Hetch Hetchy water system) will be raised by 10%. These wholesale rates have been raised annually, and often quite significantly (38% last year, for example).The City tries to “smooth out” those sharp, unpredictable increases by approving more steady, moderate increases each year — most often lower than SFPUC’s annual increase, sometime a little higher, like this year — to avoid the drastic “see-saw” range of increases imposed by that agency. This smoothing-out is done with a rate stabilization fund, reserves which come from the rates you pay, allowing the City to keep pace, over time, with the actual costs of providing a high quality, dependable water supply to the community. As a result, we’ve implemented average annual increases of about 8-10% over the last few years, instead of much higher increases matching those of the SFPUC, on a more periodic basis.

Please do go to for a lot more details on what these increases mean for a typical household or for a business, and try to attend the information meeting on April 4 to get your questions answered.

And finally, we must tell you that in the coming years Redwood City will continue to see additional rate increases proposed for both water and sewer services, in order to meet the increasing costs of providing these services. This is a challenge for you, and for the City, but it’s unavoidable and urgently needed in order to ensure our community has quality water and sewer systems.

— From the City of Redwood City

Join Redwood City’s Annual Spring Cleanup Day

Redwood City’s Annual Spring Cleanup Day will take place on Saturday April 28th, 2012 focusing on sprucing up Redwood Creek, historic Union Cemetery, Hoover School, Woodside Road, and more, plus some cleanup and restoration at Stulsaft Park. Even though Earth Day is April 22, it’s important to extend that great feeling of helping the environment – so the community is invited to join the fun on April 28 and take part in our very popular local cleanup! Sponsored by Redwood City and its Pride and Beautification Committee.

This is a great, easy, and fun project for kids, adults, and the whole family, and is perfect for doing your part in the spirit of Earth Day. And, this project meets community service requirements for many schools. Community members are invited to volunteer and show their pride in Redwood City!

Participants should meet at 8:30 am on Saturday April 28th at the City’s Public Works Services building, located at 1400 Broadway (near Broadway and Woodside Road). After a complimentary continental breakfast, clean-up teams will move out and descend on this year’s targeted areas. Then at noon, volunteers will meet for a special free BBQ lunch as a ‘thank you’ for participating in this annual fun project that helps the entire community, in honor of Earth Day and beautification of Redwood City.

On that same day, Recology San Mateo County is generously sponsoring the Great Compost Giveaway. Compost is an excellent addition to existing soil, and also makes a great groundcover to help with weed and erosion control. From 9 am to 3 pm on April 28th. Redwood City residents can come to the Public Works Services parking lot and load up with up to one cubic yard of free compost (equivalent to about three full garbage cans). A limited supply is available to be shared among Redwood City residents only, on a first-come, first-served basis.

Twice a year, Redwood City’s Pride and Beautification Committee holds these special volunteer cleanup days to focus efforts on beautifying a specific site or area, and to promote a year-round pride in Redwood City, by cleaning and beautifying school sites, the waterfront, parks, streets, and other areas. Visit for more info on this and other beautification projects. Please call 650-780-7300 for more information about the Spring Cleanup.

Visit Redwood City’s award-winning website at for information about the City and its services, the community, recreation programs, education, and local business. Subscribe to Redwood City’s email newsletter and other City documents by visiting .

Application Deadline Extended for Four Redwood City Boards, Committees, & Commissions

Redwood City announces that the application deadline for seats on four of its boards, commissions, or committees has been extended. The deadline for applications for the following seats is 5:00 p.m. on April 25th, 2012:

  • Library Board
  • Port Commission
  • Architectural Advisory Committee
  • Historic Resources Advisory Committee

Residents with a strong desire and willingness to work diligently on behalf of the community are encouraged to apply. More information and applications are available online at , or may be requested by calling 650-780-7220.

Serving on a board, commission, or committee is an important way to offer new perspectives and ideas, and contribute to the City’s discussions and decisions on a variety of substantial matters. Members of these boards serve an essential function in helping to manage the significant issues our community faces – and being appointed requires a commitment to carrying out the responsibilities of serving. Applicants’ ability to build consensus, their willingness to offer thoughtful, productive recommendations, and their motivation to be prepared, informed, and engaged in their board’s work are all critical factors contributing to being appointed to a board, commission, or committee.

Typical basic requirements are that applicants must have a strong interest in civic involvement, must be 18 years of age or older, and must be registered voter and resident of incorporated Redwood City. More information on the specific boards, commissions, and committees for which the City is recruiting can be found online at .

Marlin Park Playground Renovation Project Update

We’re getting very close to initiating the Marlin Park Playground Renovation Project. The contractor has been selected and we are working on a timeline, finalizing orders and delivery dates for equipment, and gearing up.

Up-to-date information on the project’s development and contracting is stored on the Redwood City website at . Door hangers notifying residents who live within 400 feet of the park will be placed by the contractor within the next two weeks.

–Christopher Beth, Director, Redwood City Parks, Recreation and Community Services

Redwood City Council to Consider Advisory Vote on Saltworks Proposal

The Redwood City Council will consider placing an advisory vote on the November ballot, to gain the voters’ perspective on the proposed Saltworks development. At its April 9th meeting, under “Matters of Council Interests” the Mayor and City Council directed the City Manager to place the item on a future agenda for further discussion. The date for that discussion has not yet been scheduled.

The 1,400-acre site, located just off Highway 101 along Seaport Boulevard, has previously been used for salt production. The project applicant, DMB Associates, had previously submitted a proposal to the City. On November 4, 2011, the applicant informed the City that it intends to conduct internal review and evaluation of its submitted proposal. A revised proposal is expected to be submitted to the City and it will require further analysis and environmental review.

“This is an opportune time to explore various options in moving forward on this unprecedented project for the community of Redwood City,” said Mayor Alicia Aguirre “Prior to re-engaging in that process, the City Council may want to consider whether the revised project is of interest to the community and worthy of further exploration and analysis.”

More information on the Saltworks proposal is available on the City’s Web site at .

Redwood City Considering Ban on Polystyrene Food Service Containers

The City of Redwood City is considering a ban on polystyrene food service containers, to correspond with a similar prohibition implemented by San Mateo County last summer. On the City Council’s April 9th agenda is the introduction of an ordinance which would prohibit the use of polystyrene-based food containers. If approved by the Council, the item would then be subject to a public hearing, tentatively scheduled for May 7th. The City’s action would adopt the County’s ordinance, by reference.

The proposed ban would not be implemented until January 1, 2013, allowing plenty of time for businesses to learn about their options, and transition to non-polystyrene containers. However, businesses will be encouraged to voluntarily implement the ban prior to 2013, and those that do so would be recognized by the City Council as “early adopters” and leaders in helping to reduce the volume of this pollutant in our environment. Adopting an ordinance banning the use of polystyrene will also help the City meet certain conditions of its Municipal Regional (storm water) Permit, related to reductions in trash loading in the City’s storm drain system.

Banned items are single-use disposable products used in restaurants and the food service industry for serving and transporting prepared, ready-to-consume food and beverages including plates, bowls, trays, and hinged or lidded containers (“clamshells”), but excluding disposable packaging for unprepared food.

Polystyrene is often referred to by its Dow Chemical trademark “Styrofoam.” It is a petroleum-based, lightweight plastic material commonly used by retail food vendors for disposable take-out purposes. Polystyrene has been identified as an environmental pollutant in part because it is non-biodegradable and generally non-recyclable and non-reusable. Various state and federal agencies indicate that polystyrene persists in the environment indefinitely without breaking down and consequently is showing up on roads, waterways, and the ocean. In addition to San Mateo County, a number of other cities on the peninsula, including Burlingame, Half Moon Bay, Foster City, San Bruno, Pacifica, South San Francisco, and Millbrae, have implanted similar ordinances.

If approved by the City Council, San Mateo County would work with Redwood City to publicize the impending implementation, and assist in outreach and education to the affected businesses. While every opportunity will be provided for businesses to comply, San Mateo County’s Environmental Health Division would enforce the ordinance and may issue fines for violations, which would be earmarked for use to supplement outreach and education around polystyrene.

Eggstravaganza ==MOVED FOR RAIN==

Oh no, the weather has delayed the Eggstravaganza! Please update your calendar, as the Eggstravaganza is being moved from Saturday to Sunday in order to avoid bad weather. Mark the new date your calendars:

April 1 @ 1PM

We apologize for any inconvenience, and hope everybody can still make it out to the park and enjoy the day!

After a brisk and chilly winter, it is finally time to usher in springtime! That means that it’s time for the RSCA’s annual Eggstravaganza, held every year at Marlin Park in the center of Redwood Shores. Bring all your children and a basket for goodies to the park for the big Egg Hunt, where toddlers and young kids can seek out goodies hidden in the grass and playground. Also, the Easter Bunny will be there to lead off the Egg Hunt and later to pose for pictures with the boys and girls, so be sure to take along a camera as well!

The festivities begin at 1:00 PM on Sunday, April 1st at Marlin Park here in Redwood Shores.