Sounds of the Shores 2012

The final encore has played and the Sounds of the Shores concert series has once again come to a close. RSCA would like to thank everybody for coming out to enjoy music in the park this summer, and hope to do it all again next year. Also, a big thank-you to all the bands who brought great music to Redwood Shores. Thank you for your support, you’ve been a great audience — good night!




Music will ring out once again in Marlin Park as part of the 2012 Sounds of the Shores summer concert series! The Redwood Shores Community Association is proud to invite residents to enjoy music in beautiful Marlin Park with friends and family. Three bands will be playing in this year’s Sounds of the Shores, bringing a variety of rock, soul and country to music fans. Feel free to take along a lounge chair or blanket, a basket of snacks, and your dancing shoes!

JUNE 24: Stealing 3rd (rock & roll) — Formed in 2007 by Nieves and Muldoon, Stealing 3rd is known for engaging audiences; Nieves serves as lead singer and Master of Ceremonies. Excellent musicianship combines with fun and energetic dance music to make Stealing 3rd more than a band — it’s a party waiting to happen!

JULY 22: Jokers and Thieves (rock/soul) — Jokers & Thieves is a fun and talented band that delivers great music and entertainment for all to behold. Jokers & Thieves has been playing together for about four years in various shapes and sizes. They play melodic originals on their self-titled debut CD, Jokers & Thieves, and play clubs/events all over the greater San Francisco Bay Area. In addition to the soul and funk dance grooves that keep people jumping, Jokers & Thieves also plays the new popular radio songs that fans recognize and enjoy.

AUGUST 12: Bell Brothers (country) — Northern California’s top Country Rock band, The Bell Brothers, deliver a contagious and high-energy performance with their strong vocal harmonies and their rock solid musicianship. Since forming in 2005, The Bell Brothers have climbed to the top of California’s Country Music Scene, building a solid reputation as one of the area’s most in-demand live acts. When it comes to performing live, The Bell Brothers have earned encores from enthusiastic audiences while sharing the stage with such respected and popular country artists as Rascal Flatts, Jason Aldean, Kenny Chesney, the legendary Roy Clark and numerous others. Contagious, high-energy crossover appealing performances, coupled with gifted musicianship and vocals has made The Bell Brothers the band of choice for many local venues in Northern California.

All concerts run from 5 to 7 PM.

The PILOT: August 2012

Below is this month’s issue of The PILOT, published in it’s entirety on the RSCA website. To get a complete view of this month’s issue that is easy to read on your screen, please choose the “Fullscreen” option at the top of the viewer — from there, you can click on the left or right of each page to thumb through the various pages.

All of the software needed to view this web-based version of The PILOT should be linked below if it is not already installed on your web browser, and you can also download or print the PDF document for use away from the computer. If you are having trouble viewing this document on your cellphone, tablet or computer, please contact the RSCA website team.

View or Download The PILOT, August 2012 Issue

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Marlin Park Playground Has Re-Opened!

It’s finally time again to play in the park! Redwood Shores’ Marlin Park has been under construction for a few weeks, but at last it is finished and ready to be opened to the public.

The all-new Marlin Park playground had its grand re-opening on Saturday August 4th, where residents were able to celebrate the renovation of Redwood Shores’ central park and be amongst the first to enjoy the new playground and facilities.

Marlin Park’s playground is now open for play, so come on out and see what’s new to do.

Redwood Shores Marlin Park Grand Re-Opening

Sounds of the Shores 2012: Rock/Soul/Funk — Jokers & Thieves

The party keeps on kicking! The 2012 Sounds of the Shores concert series continues Sunday, July 22th with a performance by Jokers & Thieves — a band that brings rock & roll with a touch of soul. The event runs from 5:00 – 7:00pm in Marlin Park, and is free to all residents.

Everybody who was there for the Sounds of the Shores last year knows what a fun time it is on the green here in our Shores, and this year, it’s even easier to make a night of it since top-quality food services will be offering dinner and snacks at affordable prices during performances. This Sunday is Bar-B-Que night, with Capelo’s Hill Country Barbecue once again offering everything from hot dogs & sliders to full BBQ plates & ribs. For more info, check out or click this link for a complete menu & price guide.

Jokers & Thieves brings an eclectic set list designed to uplift and get you up out of your seats. Here’s what the band has to say about itself:

Jokers & Thieves is a fun and talented band that delivers great music and entertainment for all to behold. Jokers & Thieves has been playing together for about four years in various shapes and sizes. They play melodic originals on their self-titled debut CD, Jokers & Thieves, and play clubs/events all over the greater San Francisco Bay Area. In addition to the soul and funk dance grooves that keep people jumping, Jokers & Thieves also plays the new popular radio songs that fans recognize and enjoy. What makes Jokers & Thieves unique is the combination of talented musicians at each position on the team, good variety of music (that always keeps it interesting), and dedication to two basic goals – kicking ass and having a good time (life is too short for anything else).

More info about Jokers & Thieves can be found on the official website:

So bring along a lounge chair or blanket, your friends and family, and a hearty appetite!

And don’t forget, we’ve got one more show to close out the series — set your calendar for the complete Sounds of the Shores schedule:

The PILOT: July 2012

Below is this month’s issue of The PILOT, published in it’s entirety on the RSCA website. To get a complete view of this month’s issue that is easy to read on your screen, please choose the “Fullscreen” option at the top of the viewer — from there, you can click on the left or right of each page to thumb through the various pages.

All of the software needed to view this web-based version of The PILOT should be linked below if it is not already installed on your web browser, and you can also download or print the PDF document for use away from the computer. If you are having trouble viewing this document on your cellphone, tablet or computer, please contact the RSCA website team.

View or Download The PILOT, July 2012 Issue

Click to view full-screen

Redwood City Public Library Launches “Discover & Go” Museum Pass Program

The Redwood City Public Library is thrilled to announce a great new service, “Discover & Go,” which provides Redwood City library cardholders with FREE and discounted passes to local museums and other interesting and educational cultural institutions.

With the high cost of living in the Bay Area, this program is a way to stretch family entertainment and activity dollars, and provide a wide range of outings that the family will love and remember.

This unique program allows Library cardholders to make reservations online by date or by venue, and immediately print- out passes at home. Those with no Internet access can come to the Library and use the public computers to take advantage of this great new feature.

Anyone without a library card can get one by visiting a library branch, or by going to and clicking on “Get a Card.”

Redwood City Library cardholders can reserve free and discounted passes from a growing list of destinations, including:

  • The Tech Museum
  • California Academy of Sciences
  • The San Jose Museum of Art
  • Museum of Craft and Folk Art
  • Bay Area Discovery Museum
  • Oakland Museum of California
  • Museum of the African Diaspora
  • Cartoon Art Museum
  • Asian Art Museum
  • Contemporary Jewish Museum
  • Exploratorium
  • Lawrence Hall of Science
  • Pacific Pinball Museum

For more information, view the Discover & Go page on the Redwood City Public Library webpage:

Here’s To Tennis Weather!

The Redwood Shores Tennis Club’s tennis season is underway — at last! Rainy days are behind us (fingers crossed.) April Team Tennis was a sweet delight. It felt so good to get some exercise, see some friends, meet new members, and knock a fuzzy little ball around. Either we were ALL ‘that good’ or none of us were really trying that hard but all 4 teams ended up very close in scores and 2 of the teams tied for first place. The prizes were Girl Scout Cookies (Girl Scouts turned 100 this year!) There was some horse trading afterwards so that everyone could get their preferred flavor.

Due to a temporary brain lapse, we scheduled our May tournament for the Memorial Day Weekend.

We’d love socializing and good food — try us out. For more information, visit

— Karen Brodersen, President of Redwood Shores Tennis Club

Fashion Forward: Toss, Tweak or Keep?

Here’s a little checklist to help you decide which pieces of clothing in your closet are wardrobe-worthy. Be honest…

Does it fit you NOW or will it take 6 months of dieting before it does? Are you going to lose the weight? Will it even be in style by the time you do? If you think it will work for you, keep and tweak. If not – toss.

Does it flatter your figure NOW? Let’s face it – our bodies change over time. What looked good 10 or even 5 years ago may be a lot less flattering now. Get rid of what doesn’t work for you.

Does it make me feel sexy, attractive or confident? If yes, you’ve got a keeper on your hands. Make sure it’s in regular use or else get rid of it.

Does it bring out my favorite qualities and/or what image I want to project? Is your closet full of clothes that represent things you used to do, but don’t anymore? Make sure your clothes represent the image of who you are NOW. Let the past go and start dressing for the present.

Has it lost its luster? White (and black) tees frequently fall into this category, but there may be other items that are just too “tired” to be worn in public in longer. Toss them and get fresh replacements if they’re something you love.

Would I buy it again? If the answer is no, let it go. If the answer is yes and you love this piece but don’t know how to wear it, it’s time to call your image consultant.


— Adena DiTonno

Adena is owner of adenaDesigns, a fashion and wardrobe consultancy in Redwood Shores. Get free tip-sheets and sign up for a monthly newsletter on


Greeting Other Dogs on the Trail

When your dog barks at other dogs you pass on the trail, he may be giving the other dog an invitation to play. Dogs are social creatures; and since so many of them live in one-dog households, the chance to interact with other dogs is very exciting. Some dogs bark to say, “Hey, I want to meet or play with you. NOW! NOW! NOW!” Puppy barking frequently falls into this category. These barks are generally high pitched, and are often accompanied by wagging “propeller tails,” loose or wiggly body language, play bows and jumping.

Ask those dog owners who would like to interact with your dog to wait for calm, quiet behavior from your dog before greeting to avoid reinforcing the behavior. If your dog strains at the leash when you pass other dogs and barks non-stop at the dog, you are probably pulling the leash taut and transferring your tension, stress and fear down the leash to the dog. Now the dog feels he is the pack leader and has to defend both of you. The barking ramps up even more; and soon you find yourself dreading walking or meeting other dogs. A dog who knows you are the pack leader and who walks beside you — not in front will be less likely to have fear or defensive barking at other dogs.

You need to train your dog to look at you with the “watch me” command to distract your dog as you approach another dog. First encounters with a friendly dog should just be “walk-bys” several times with the emphasis on getting your dog to look at you and away from the other dog with a treat lure and sounds. Once you consistently have your dog’s attention, you can advance to having your dog sit quietly at your side as the dog passes. After this stage you can allow your dog to sniff and greet the other dog while keeping the leash loose.

Enjoy a well-mannered dog that is an asset to your family. Invest in training to transform your dog into the best friend you have always wanted.

Call Jean Cary for an evaluation and a customized training program for your dog.

— Jean Cary, Jean Cary Interiors

To find the solutions to your home dilemmas, give Jean a call: of (650) 593-9622

Sounds of the Shores 2012: Rock & Roll — Stealing 3rd

It’s that time of year again! The 2012 Sounds of the Shores concert series kicks off Sunday, June 24th with a performance by Stealing 3rd, a Northern Californian rock band. The event runs from 5:00 – 7:00pm in Marlin Park, and is free to all residents.

Everybody who was there for the Sounds of the Shores last year knows what a fun time it is on the green here in our Shores, and this year, it’s even easier to make a night of it since top-quality food services will be offering dinner and snacks at affordable prices during performances. This Sunday is Bar-B-Que night, with Capelo’s Hill Country Barbecue offering everything from hot dogs & sliders to full BBQ plates & ribs. For more info, check out or click this link for a complete menu & price guide.

We’re excited to have Stealing 3rd perform for the first time in Redwood Shores. Here’s what the band has to say about itself:

Stealing 3rd is a zany, fun loving six-piece lineup that brings the power of a modern rock-n-roll band to a club near you.  Featuring our sensational showman Craig Nieves and funky rhythm section, we are “Rockin’ Dads” with way too much 80‘s influence.  We present an entertaining show that keeps everyone engaged and singing late into the night!

More info about Stealing 3rd can be found on the official website:

So bring along a lounge chair or blanket, your friends and family, and a hearty appetite!

And don’t forget, two more shows are coming — set your calendar for the complete Sounds of the Shores schedule: