
Eggstravaganza 2013

It’s time for the RSCA’s annual Eggstravaganza, held every year at Marlin Park in the center of Redwood Shores. Bring all your children and a basket for goodies to the park for the big Egg Hunt, where toddlers and young kids can seek out goodies hidden in the grass and playground. Also, the Easter Bunny will be there to lead off the Egg Hunt and later to pose for pictures with the boys and girls, so be sure to take along a camera as well!

The festivities begin at 1:00 PM on Sunday, March 23rd at Marlin Park here in Redwood Shores.

Be sure to arrive early so that your child can line up in the right age category — the eggs disappear quickly, and the whistle begins exactly at 1:00, so be on time!


We’ll have treats for the kids, so please bring a small basket. (Please limit your children to 6 eggs each so that everyone can share.) Look for the GOLDEN EGGS for a special prize!

Our local RWC Police will also be available to provide voluntary FINGERPRINTING for children of parents who might wish to have this record for identification. Because a child’s appearance can change in a short time, fingerprinting can be the best way to identify a lost child. And parents, don’t forget your camera for photo opportunities with the Easter Bunny.


The Eggstravaganza is run by RSCA, and is a great place to sign up with our organization if you have not yet had a chance to do so. Please join in in making great events like this possible in Redwood Shores!

Superintendent Search in the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District

The Belmont-Redwood Shores School District is searching for a new Superintendent, and is inviting residents to participate in the process to identify the characteristics needed for our neighborhood schools. The Board of Trustees would greatly appreciate your input and assistance with this important task, and encourages you to participate in the process by:

  • Attending an Open Forum* on either:
  1. Wednesday, March 20 at 7:30PM — Nesbit, Multi-Use room
  2. Thursday, March 21 at 10:30AM — District Office, Board Room
  • Completing an online survey located at by March 24, 2013

(*The Open Forums will be facilitated by a member of the Board’s consultant firm.)

The PILOT: March 2013

Below is this month’s issue of The PILOT, published in it’s entirety on the RSCA website. To get a complete view of this month’s issue that is easy to read on your screen, please choose the “Fullscreen” option at the top of the viewer — from there, you can click on the left or right of each page to thumb through the various pages.

All of the software needed to view this web-based version of The PILOT should be linked below if it is not already installed on your web browser, and you can also download or print the PDF document for use away from the computer. If you are having trouble viewing this document on your cellphone, tablet or computer, please contact the RSCA website team.

The Pilot — March 2012 Issue

Click to view full-screen

RSCA Annual Meeting

Get the latest update on “The State of the Shores” at the RSCA Annual Meeting.

February 13, 2013, 7:00 pm

at the Redwood Shores Library

399 Marine Pky at Bridge Pky

You’ll have the opportunity to meet and hear from Redwood City Mayor Alicia Aguirre plus Vice-Mayor (and Shores resident) Jeff Gee. We’ll also have a brief update on issues facing our local schools.

Please take time to engage in this discussion of important issues that affect the home and the family of every Shores resident – your voice is important!

(RSCA will also elect its new Board of Directors.)


6:30-7:00pm, Before the Meeting

Come early and enjoy a special concert featuring several of our young Shores piano students.

RSCA provided initial and matching funds for the purchase of the grand piano that now graces RWS Library’s Community Room, and we are proud of this addition to our community library. We are pleased to take this opportunity to showcase the talents of just a few of the gifted young people who are able to take lessons on this wonderful instrument.

The PILOT: February 2013

Below is this month’s issue of The PILOT, published in it’s entirety on the RSCA website. To get a complete view of this month’s issue that is easy to read on your screen, please choose the “Fullscreen” option at the top of the viewer — from there, you can click on the left or right of each page to thumb through the various pages.

All of the software needed to view this web-based version of The PILOT should be linked below if it is not already installed on your web browser, and you can also download or print the PDF document for use away from the computer. If you are having trouble viewing this document on your cellphone, tablet or computer, please contact the RSCA website team.

The Pilot — February 2012 Issue

Click to view full-screen

The PILOT: January 2013

Below is this month’s issue of The PILOT, published in it’s entirety on the RSCA website. To get a complete view of this month’s issue that is easy to read on your screen, please choose the “Fullscreen” option at the top of the viewer — from there, you can click on the left or right of each page to thumb through the various pages.

All of the software needed to view this web-based version of The PILOT should be linked below if it is not already installed on your web browser, and you can also download or print the PDF document for use away from the computer. If you are having trouble viewing this document on your cellphone, tablet or computer, please contact the RSCA website team.

The Pilot — January 2012 Issue

Click to view full-screen

Welcome Back to

You have reached the home page of the Redwood Shores Community Association.

As you may have noticed, our website suffered a setback that has taken several days to repair. We apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused, and hope to have all of our services back on line soon. For any questions or services you have needs on that you were unable to manage when our site was down, please contact our Webmaster and he will direct you to the appropriate contact within our organization.

Thank you so much for your patience!

The PILOT: December 2012

Below is this month’s issue of The PILOT, published in it’s entirety on the RSCA website. To get a complete view of this month’s issue that is easy to read on your screen, please choose the “Fullscreen” option at the top of the viewer — from there, you can click on the left or right of each page to thumb through the various pages.

All of the software needed to view this web-based version of The PILOT should be linked below if it is not already installed on your web browser, and you can also download or print the PDF document for use away from the computer. If you are having trouble viewing this document on your cellphone, tablet or computer, please contact the RSCA website team.

The Pilot — December 2012 Issue

Click to view full-screen