Peace Poster Contest — Congratulations to District Winner!
The Redwood Shores Lions Club recently sponsored a Peace Poster Contest for middle school students. The theme this year was “Vision of Peace”. We had a record number of entries this year. The local club winner was Emanual A. from Caesar Chavez School in East Palo Alto. As the local club winner, Emanual’s entry then competed at the District 4-C4 level and won! District 4-C4 includes Lions clubs from San Francisco to Palo Alto, so this is a tremendous achievement. Congratulations to our district winner — Emanual!
RWS Lions Club Donates to Cub Pack 61
The Redwood Shores Lions Club recently gave a donation of $60 to the local Cub Scout Pack 61. The RWS Lions Club is the local sponsor of Cub Scout Pack 61 and the new Boy Scout Troop.
RWS Lions Club Donates Ping Pong table to Our Common Ground
Last fall, the RWS Lions Club held its monthly meeting at Our Common Ground (OCG) in Redwood City. OCG is a treatment program for adolescents and adults with substance abuse and addiction problems. During that meeting, the RWS Lions were touched by the personal stories of four young adults who are current residents at OCG. In addition, OCG has provided residential and outpatient treatment services to nearly 3,000 substance abusing adults and adolescents in San Mateo County and the greater San Francisco bay area since 1988.
In December, the RWS Lions donated a ping pong table to the OCG residents. They also donated over 20 wrapped gifts of new and gently used games and puzzles for their common area, and various household items for the new girls residence. The Lions look forward to continuing to support this worthwhile program. For more information about OCG, visit their website at
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— Shellie Sakamoto, Past President
About the Redwood Shores Lions Club
For more information, please visit the website at The Redwood Shores Lions Club holds its general meeting on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Sandpiper Community Center. Anyone who is interested in welcome to attend. The Club is a family friendly group of individuals who enjoy giving back to the community while having fun at the same time. Since its inception, the Club has provided a variety of services to the community of Redwood Shores as well as other neighboring areas.