(The following was provided by the City of Redwood City)
Along with the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Adopted Budget, the City Council approved the transition to a shared service approach with San Mateo County for the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program to reduce costs to the city, increase efficiency, and potentially share costs of the program with other agencies in the County in the future. The County currently provides CERT training using the same curriculum as Redwood City; however, the County has expressed interest in collaborating with the City of Redwood City to create a CERT Coordinator position. The new position would focus solely on the CERT program.
In an effort to engage CERT volunteers and community members around this transition, the City of Redwood City is hosting a series of meetings to receive input/feedback on the future of the CERT program. Additionally the City has launched an online survey to gain input on the CERT program and the proposed County CERT position transition. Three meetings were conducted in August. (You can click here to read the Redwood City/San Carlos CERT Community Input Meetings Notes report.)
The next round of community meetings will take place on:
Tuesday, September 25th from 6 – 7:30pm
at the Veterans Memorial Senior Center
1455 Madison Ave., Redwood City
Thursday, September 27th from 6 – 7:30pm
at the Redwood Shores Library
399 Marine Parkway
The CERT Program Survey is available online on the Redwood City Fire Department home page.
The City of Redwood City appreciates your input and information gained will help further develop the new County CERT program.